Chapter 30

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"W-what?", I shakily asked, a decent amount of fear bubbling up inside of me and Dr. Brown rolled his eyes.

"Stop sounding so scared, you're annoying me. When you were a baby, we modified your DNA ex vivo, that means outside of your body and, as you probably understand, in vivo means that we will modify it inside of your body. Nobody whom we have tested the in vivo method on survived it as it is a lot for the body to adjust to completely different gene material than what it knows, but apparently there's something special about you, so we're hoping that you will survive it!" I must've looked as panicked as I felt because he patted my upper arm as if that would soothe me in any way. "Oh, don't worry, you'll be sedated the entire time and won't feel anything and if it goes wrong... well, you won't feel that either" I looked up at him with wide eyes. Oh gosh, I wouldn't stand a chance against them and whatever they would do to me... I should probably be glad if I'd just die during the first experiment... better than being a test subject for longer and possibly losing my identity and all memories.

"Maxwell", Dr. Brown barked at the nurse, who still stood in the corner of the room, the folder with the ultrasound pictures of my insides in hand and he looked at the doctor, a questioning look on his face. "Go ahead to the lab and tell them that we're bringing the test subject in about 20 minutes, they can get everything ready for the DNA transfer" The nurse nodded and hurriedly left the room, leaving me alone with the two doctors. On Dr. Jones face there was a terrified expression and she had dark bags under her eyes. She looked horrible... although I probably looked worse. When was the last time I had eaten or showered or even looked into a mirror?

All those worries were gone and replaced with pure panic when I saw Dr. brown picking one of the syringes from the tray, this one filled with a clear liquid and he snapped his finger against it twice before looking at me with a satisfied smirk. He removed the cap of the needle awfully slowly while still looking at me, apparently enjoying the mix of emotions on my face. I'm sure he was able to read my panic, fear, anger, sadness... oh gosh, I didn't want this to happen!

"This is something against sickness, as the sedative is strong and will put you out for a few hours and we don't want you getting sick during the tests, right?", the mad scientist said with a pleased look on his face and just injected the medication into my hand. My breathing was so quick and panicked now that I couldn't even say anything if I wanted. There was just pure fear in me and the guilty and pitiful look on Dr. Jones face just made me that much more afraid. Did she know something that I didn't? Did she know what was going to happen to me?

"Okay, I'll give you the sedative now and it should only take a few short moments until you feel the effects of it", Dr. Brown stated happily and popped off the cap from another syringe, smiling at me. "Oh wait, no, actually Dr. Jones, would you rather do it? You know, considering Niall had been your patient for so long, you maybe wanna do something for him before you become useless to us and our research" Dr. Brown had made it sound like an offer, but in his voice it was clear that Dr. Jones didn't have a choice. The sadistic doctor probably wanted to see both of us suffering when my friend... or who I thought was a friend would sedate me to be experimented with... The worst thing about Dr. Brown was that he made everything sound so damn friendly, he was all smiley and polite, his voice cheery, but below the happy talk was a snake, a sinister and evil man who didn't care about anybody but himself and his research, the money that he thought he'd get from it. 

With shaky fingers Dr. Jones took the syringe from the other doctor who watched both of us with a grin on his face and she pressed her lips together tightly, laying her free hand on my lower arm, just above the metal of the handcuff and I clenched my fist tightly.

"Please", I begged her, my voice almost breaking. I wanted to be strong, to show the insane freaky doctor that I wasn't scared of him, but the prospect of now becoming a victim to his evil tests which would possibly kill me just made me lose any countenance that I still had left. Emily bit her lip so harshly that I saw a few drops of blood forming, the hand with the syringe shaking.

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