Chapter 5

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The next afternoon a black car rolled on the courtyard and Zayn got out. I had been waiting on the doorsteps for him and got up, when he spotted me and gave me a wide smile. I went over to him and we had that weird moment, when you don't know how to greet somebody. But honestly, how do you greet the person that you had a fun evening with, then slept together before falling asleep in each others arms? In the end, Zayn settled for hugging me and his large hands felt nice, protective somehow. Right at this moment, Greg came out of the riding hall, holding one of our horses when he saw us. He seemed to recognize Zayn from the video and gave him a hard look, his protectiveness over me taking over. The two then had some kind of stare off and I got more and more uncomfortable until I couldn't take it anymore and began to talk.

"Uh Zayn, let's go inside, it's way too cold out here anyways and Denise made a cake so..." I trailed off nervously and the raven haired boy just smiled at me, before following me to the kitchen. Greg had made it very clear that we wouldn't be going to my room, which I rolled my eyes at, but I was still thankful that he didn't ground me for my behaviour yesterday, so I did what he said.

"You want tea or coffee?", I asked after leading Zayn to the kitchen and showed him to sit at the kitchen table. I felt quite nervous about seeing him and my voice was a little shaky.

"Uh, tea please", he said and I nodded to get the kettle. When I put it on the stove, I almost burnt myself on the flame and Zayn quickly got up to help me.

"Thanks", I said shakily, sitting down and watched his skillfull fingers prepare tea for both of us. "I guess I'm just a little nervous" He just smiled a warm smile at me before he sat down and took one of my hands in his. I looked over him, he was wearing tight black jeans again and a black turtle neck knit sweater that looked really nice and soft. He looked good, like really good and I quickly thought if I should maybe get an inferiority complex for myself as my own clothes were old and smelled like horse, as I was just out with Ginny, my horse right before he came here. But then he started laughing and I looked around to see if he saw something funny.

"No, no, nothing happened, but... Friday evening was literally the best evening of my entire life, I had so much fun with you and I really, really like you a lot and now we're sitting here, having this weird moment, although I would much rather take you out on a real date"I blushed at that and smiled a little.

"You wanna go on a date with me?"

"Sure, why wouldn't I? You're funny and nice and also very cute, I'd love to go on a date with you to see if the tension that was between us when we were drunk is also there when we're sober"  I giggled a little and he smiled fondly at me.

"I really liked our evening too... and I'd really like to go on a date with you too" He smiled at me, a big and nice smile and his tongue poked through his front teeth, something that I found very cute. "But... I don't know, I'm a little scared of this..." I made  a weird gesture with my hands. "Whatever this is... I don't know, we just met and things went so quickly and I don't even really know why... or yes, I do, because you were so nice and I really like you and we just... happened, but I'm scared, because I don't want to just jump into something and this was the first time I even kissed somebody, so... can we take things slowly, please?" When I finished talking, I felt slightly out of breath as I had spoken very fast and the words just tumbled out of me without control.

"Uh...", Zayn looked a little confused for a second. "Niall, I am really sorry for taking that from you, I didn't know it was your first time... and of course, you set the pace, okay? Whatever you want to do, or don't want to do, you decide" I smiled a little, feeling incredibly thankful that he was so nice to me.

"Thank you... for the beginning, I think a simple date would be nice" He nodded.

"Yeah, I think so too, I really wanna get to know you because so far, I really like what I know" I giggled at that, blushing when his thumb rubbed over my knuckles before I remembered something else.

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