I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life

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My love. Do you know how much I love you? I will try to find words for it.

When I saw you for the first time, I almost couldn't believe you were real because I never would have thought that a human could be so beautiful. You were sitting there on the couch with Luke and Calum and you had that incredible smile that I love so much and when you caught me staring at you, you blushed in that cute way and I knew right then that i was already falling for you, although I didn't even know your name.

After our night together I'm sure Harry was so annoyed by me, because all I ever talked about was you. Well, actually that didn't change much. To me you were this gorgeous, innocent little lad that I was falling head over heels for and I knew there was nothing I could change about that, nor did I want to.

And then you told me about our baby. The baby inside of you that made you even more special and extraordinary and I just loved you that much more. If that was even possible.

We have already been through so much together, faced ups and downs, we laughed together and we cried toghether. You know my deepest and darkest secrets and you know how I'm feeling before I even know myself.

I'm still trying to find the words to describe you, but I don't think there are words that are beautiful enough. Or maybe there are, but actually pronouncing them will destroy the magic that is around you and us, around our love and around the way our hearts are connected.

I can't wait to see you, you will look so incredibly beautiful and I hope I will even be able to say my vows while looking at you because you, Niall, still leave me speechless. You are my sun and my light and you are what makes me happy even on the darkest days.

I love you Niall Horan and I always will, I love you because you are amazing, unique, gorgeous, incredible and too many other words that I can't keep writing as I have to go now because Harry is kicking my butt to finally get changed.

So, I'll see you in 20 minutes and I can't wait to finally make you mine. To finally ensure that we will be together forever and ever and ever. I love you to the end of the world and back, with everything I have and with everything I am. That's how much I love you!

Love, Zayn


Dear Zayn,

I can't believe that this day is finally here. If you would have told me one year ago that I would be marrying the most handsome, incredible, breathtaking man I had ever seen, i would have probably laughed out loud. I was the boy from the farm, who always smells like horse and literally only has two friends. Now I have you. And that is more than I had ever imagined to have. Tonight I will carry your name and it will show everybody that we belong together and that we will be forever.

Do you know how much I love you?

I love you way too much to ever find the right words for it, I love you with all my heart and soul. But I want to try to find words for my love.

I love how you poke your tongue between your front teeth when you're smiling. I noticed that when we first met and ever since then, i think it is the cutest thing that i have ever seen.

I love how you press your thumb against your pointer and middle finger when you're nervous. It's just one of your little habits that I love.

I love that you always laugh about my jokes, although they aren't the least bit funny, just because you always want me to feel good.

I love how you play with your sisters and with Theo. It makes me know that you will be an amazing father to our babies that we will hopefully have soon.

I love how tightly you hold me even in your sleep, as if you're scared somebody could take me away. It always gives me a feeling of safety and love.

I love how you throw your head back when you really laugh at something and I love your laughter too, gives me goosebumps everytime.

I love that you sing Ed Sheeran to me because you know that i love his music even though you don't and I love that you sing along with me when I sing the jingle from the Wrigley's Doublemint commercial, although it annoys you. Hell, I even love that you're making fun of my taste in music after. 

I love every single one of your tattoos.

I love your mum and sisters as if they were my own.

I love that your fingers touch me so softly as if I was the most precious thing in the world.

I love your kisses.

I love your smile.

I love your incredible body and features.

I love that you love Greg, Denise and Theo.

I love your love for Louis and Liam.

I love your love for Harry.

I love that you chose me among 7,7 billion people in the world.

I love that you gave me our first baby and that baby, I love too and always will because it will always be a part of us.

I love you Zayn, with every little thing that belongs to you. We will be together forever and ever and although it says "till death does us apart", but I know it never will. Because you and I are made for eternity.

Love, Niall 

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Okay, so just in case anybody is wondering, these letters are like their wedding vows. I won't write the actual wedding because I don't like wedding chapters, but we will now moveon to the wedding night which will of course include smut 😏
xoxo Annie

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