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It was dark. A soft warm breeze was blowing and the moon was reflected on the surface of the lake. It was a warm night, the kind of night that made you want to sit outside and look at the stars, or make s'mores over a campfire. The kind of night that held memories of good times when secrets were exchanged and laughter was shared.

Only the sounds of the woods were audible, the light wind that made the leaves of the trees rustle and the hoot of an owl. A peaceful summer night. 

Then the peaceful silence was disrupted by the sounds of someone running through the thick forest. Branches broke with a snap as feet stepped onto them, it was more than one person. Then another sound, a carefree laughter. Two young men broke through the trees and onto the clearing around the lake, one of them blonde with bright blue eyes, the other with dark hair and tanned skin. They were holding hands, smiling at each other and everybody could see that they were madly in love with each other. The smaller one got onto his tiptoes and wrapped his arms around the others neck.

"Have I ever told you that I am super mega in love with you?" The dark haired lad chuckled and pecked the others lips.

"Might have happened once or twice" They both laughed, sharing a few more kisses as they settled onto the ground, the blonde resting his head on the others chest as they looked up into the sky.

The weather forecast had predicted a shower of shooting stars for tonight and the two lovebirds no doubt came out here to watch it. The sparkling stars were reflected by the smooth surface of the lake and it looked like they were falling right into its cold water. It was a beautiful sight and the most romantic place for a date ever.

"Are you happy, Ni?", the dark haired man suddenly said and the blonde sat up a little to look at his husband.

"Of course I am, why would I not be?"

"I heard you crying last night, why didn't you tell me you still have nightmares?" The smaller lad now laid back down, his hand running over the other man's chest, the fingers of their other hands tangled together.

"I don't, it was just one and I cried because it was a bad one... but I'm fine Zee, I really am and I'm so, so happy. We have this amazing, beautiful life and our girls... they are perfect, our life together is perfect!" The other man smiled, his lips grazing over the smaller ones temple, hands never leaving him.

"Can you believe they are already 4 years old?" The other shook his head, smiling at his husband before they both sank into a sweet kiss.

"Want you to love me, right here under the stars", he whispered in the tanned lad's ear and the other smiled before they kissed again.

They had been through so much, their entire family had. There were ups and downs, laughter and tears but they always stuck together and they always would. And they both knew that their love for each other was unconditional, would never end. They knew that they'd get through everything together, that their love would overcome all the bumps in the road and all the obstacles thrown their way because after all, that's what their love was.


- - - - - - - -
This is it, this is the end and I can't even begin to describe how I am feeling right now. This book was my baby and now that it's done, I wanna cry :'D
I wanna say thank you to all of you reading, it really means a lot to me.
I also really wanna thank my friend AndiLovesZiall for motivating me to actually write this story, for the cover and also for all her comments that sometimes made me cry from laughter.
Another thank you to larry_1d_nialler because she was the first one to comment other than my friend, thank you so much for making me so happy :D
Also thanks to kikidaa for no special reason. You're a stinker. I love you.
Don't delete this story from your libraries yet because I might add little bonus chapters and will notify you here :D
So again, thank you all so, so much, I love you all and I'll see you around xD
xoxo Annie

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