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It was dark. Even the moon was covered by thick clouds that promised rainy weather. The silence was only interrupted by the sound of an owl and the movement of the leaves when the wind ran through them. It was a peaceful kind of darkness, not the kind that made goosebumps develop on naked skin, no it was the kind that made you wanna sit outside and listen to the sound of the woods.

But then a low rumble was heard from somewhere far away, coming closer and closer by the second and then a car appeared on the clearing between the trees, closely followed by another one, startling a little racoon that quickly disappeared into the the woods again as a third car rolled closer, coming from another direction. Two people got out, a man and a woman, both of them stepping closer to the other cars that four men got out of.

"Dean!", the woman called out. "Did you succeed?" A man stepped forward at that, holding a little bundle in his arms and smiled at the man and the woman, who both gasped.

"We did, it was... it was close and we lost three men, but he's safe" He looked down at the baby he held in his arms before handing him to the woman. The little boy woke up at that, blinking up at the woman with his blue eyes that looked way too big for his face and he yawned, letting out an adorable little sound. The man who came with his wife smiled at that, reaching out to softly stroke the babys cheek, before the boy went back to sleep again, both adults still not believing that they had their baby now.

"He's so beautiful", the woman whispered as not to startle the sleeping baby and the man who brought him nodded.

"He is... special in every way... everything is set, we erased all existing data about him, he's yours now and nobody will ever know about what happened to him" The other man nodded, a serious look on his face.

"What did they do to him?"

"You don't wanna know, believe me, just know that he's safe as long as he never finds out where he came from... and you should forget about what happened today too, for his should go now, we will follow you and make sure you get home okay" The woman nodded, buckling her brandnew baby into the carseat that they had in the back, before getting into the car on the passenger side, looking at her husband before turning around to the sleeping baby.

"Can you believe it? He's here and he's safe... they're not gonna find him, right?" The man shook his head.

"No... he's a Horan now, he's ours, forever"

- - - - - - - -
So, this is the prologue of my new story "Special". As the title already says, it's Mpreg, so don't like, don't read.
There's going to be a whole lot of fluff, action, drama and smut :D
Also, English isn't my first language, so if you have any corrections on my spelling, grammar or just language in general, I'm open for it and happy to learn something new :)
Also the biggest thank you to my friend, who reassured me for every single chapter and also made the awesome cover for me, go check out her account AndiLovesZiall and read her stories if you speak German, because they are absolutely awesome and I'm basically her biggest fan <3
Now, I hope you all enjoy reading because I am excited to write!
xoxo Annie

Special (Ziall Mpreg)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant