Chapter 28

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Karen was back the next morning to check on the babies and me again, telling me that both of them were healthy although they were a little premature and small, but they would be fine.

"As soon as we can all get into our cars again you have to go to the hospital though", she explained to me and I nodded. "The sutures will probably have to be done again because the material isn't dissolving like the one that's usually used", she said, as she put ointment on the wound and covered it with a new band aid, while I had to grip Zayns hand tightly to not scream in pain as she touched the abused skin. "Now, talk to me Niall, how are you feeling?" I already opened my mouth to answer without really thinking, but she immediately cut me off.

"And don't say you're fine because I know you and I know that you are not fine. How bad is it hurting?" I closed my eyes for a second because she knew me so well. I wish I could've just said that I was fine, but now I had to explain myself and I didn't know if I could.

"I- it's... it's hurting pretty badly", I then admitted and she nodded. "A-and it's weird to know that... that it's just empty in there after I had the babies with me for so long... I feel like I failed to protect them, they shouldn't have been born for another month and now they're here and exposed to all the dangers of the world" My voice had gotten awfully close to breaking while I was talking and I felt Zayn squeezing my hand.

"That's completely understandable, Niall", Karen said and pulled the blanket over me again after she had checked on the wound on my stomach. "But the babies are fine, they are healthy and beautiful. Yesterday was a traumatic experience for you and you will take some time recovering, physically and mentally, but try to see the positive side, you both have two beautiful daughters and you will be the best daddies the world has ever seen" I just closed my eyes and let a few of the tears, that had threatened to fall, escape. Why was I so emotional?

"It's okay, you're okay", Karen said soothingly and brushed my hair away from my forehead. "It's okay if you feel overwhelmed, it's normal actually... now look who's here" I blinked my eyes open, a huge smile immediately spreading across my face when I spotted Liam and Zayn with the two little babies and I reached for the one Liam was holding. He placed her on my chest and I snuggled her closer to me, breathing in the smell of baby powder and just that unique baby smell. Theo had smelled exactly like this when he had been a baby and it very well might be the most amazing smell in the world.

"Is that Evie or Lilah?", Karen asked and I smiled at the baby on my chest.

"Evie. Her hair is a tiny bit darker than Lilah's" They were both so beautiful, I almost couldn't believe it. Their skin was just a little bit fairer than Zayns and they also had his dark hair, but they surprisingly had blue eyes that looked exactly like mine. And they were small, so tiny that I was sometimes scared to even touch them, scared that they might just break. I wasn't sure how anything that beautiful could ever exist. I looked up at my husband who had taken a seat on the reclining chair that he had pushed next to the couch this morning to be with me. There was no way I would make it upstairs right now, not with how much I was hurting and how weak I felt, so Louis and Harry had brought the baby bassinets downstairs and Zayn stayed in the living room with the babies and me, cuddling and sleeping all day long. He smiled at me, slightly rocking Lilah in his arms who made a cute gurgling noise. Evie was sleeping and I myself felt ready to doze off again, but just didn't want to take my eyes off of the little wonder in my arms.

"Alright, I'll be back in two days if the roads are still closed then", Karen announced, getting up and gathering her things. "You're going to be fine, Niall, I know that it hurts right now, but the wound looks good and we'll probably be able to get back on the road in two days so we can take all three of you to the hospital" I just nodded, already on the verge of falling asleep. So much had happened in just a day. Zayn and I had two beautiful daughters and they were healthy and cute. We were dads now, that itself sounded completely crazy.

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