Chapter 32 (1)

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I froze in fear. I couldn't breathe. Or maybe I gasped in shock, I'm not really sure, all that I knew was that pure panic and hatred washed through me in that moment.

Greg. Zayn. Liam or Louis. Harry. There were so many people he could be talking about, so many people I loved and didn't want hurt.

"If you want to see your beloved husband alive ever again...", the doctor said and I gritted my teeth. He had Zayn. Why was Zayn here, what was he doing here? "... I suggest you come back here and accept your fate, we will find you anyways, wherever you are and your sweet little babies won't have a father anymore because we will kill him if you don't come back here straight away!"

I was panting heavily now, all coldness that I had felt forgotten. I didn't want to go back, I was scared of what they were going to do to me when I went back there. They would try their disgusting DNA-modification methods on me and probably make sure that it wouldn't be pleasant for me. I would never see my girls again, or my brother or friends. Guinness and Ginny.

But I couldn't let Zayn die, of course not. And if Dr. Brown had Deans device... didn't that mean that him and my dad were in danger too? I couldn't let that happen, none of them should suffer because of me, for me. Especially because in the end, they would find me anyways, no matter if I managed to escape today or not.

I teared my gaze away from the device in Emily's hand and looked at her, my chest heaving up and down. Her eyes were wide open and she looked at me with fear. I hadn't even realized that I was crying, but now I harshly wiped a tear away from my cheek and sniffed.


"Niall, you can't go back", she said almost pleadingly. "You can't, we need to get you safe"I shook my head.

"I can't let Zayn die and you know it", I whispered before I turned around and marched back the same way that we came. I was glad that our footprints were still visible in the snow because otherwise I wouldn't stand a chance of finding my way back.

"Niall, please", she called after me, but I didn't answer and soon I heard her steps rushing after me. "I'll come with you, we will free them and nobody will die or suffer" Again I said nothing because I didn't believe that this was even a possibility. They were so many and so strong. All those years ago they all survived the raid at the old lab and it would be the same this time. I didn't have a chance and it would be better to accept that sooner or later.

We made it back to the little hut and down the stairs. The way back seemed so much quicker. It felt like we were walking for mere minutes when we reached the floor with the laboratory. I stared into the rooms to see that all of the unconscious people were gone. Did they get up themselves and walked out or were they arrested? Seeing the room where all of the scientists had been standing earlier made me anxious and I almost chickened out again at the sight of the empty examination couch but I forced myself to look straight ahead, focusing my mind on the fact that I had to save Zayn. My babies needed a father and I knew that it wasn't going to be me. If I went back home, I'd just put anyone I cared about in danger.

Emily seemed to sense my anxiousness because she slipped her hand into mine, her fingers holding mine tightly. I didn't look at her but I felt glad for her support because I knew that I needed that. Knowing that I'd never see my family again made me wanna run and never turn around, but what kind of life would that be if Zayn wasn't in it. Instead I just tried to block out all thoughts about them and made my way farther into the building.

When we reached the floor where the patients rooms were my anxiety had basically skyrocketed and I was on the permanent lookout for anybody. Voices could be heard from the floor above us where the scan rooms were, so without a second thought I took the stairs, stopping on the last couple of steps. I heard that there were people on the corridor but it didn't sound like many, so maybe Deans people managed to arrest a few of them already, which of course would be good, although it didn't change anything for me. I would never get out of this building ever again. Not alive at least. Dr. Jones watched me with a concerned expression on her face and I closed my eyes for a second. I needed a moment to say a silent goodbye to anyone whom I loved, think of my little girls. Zayn would tell them what happened to their dad and why I wasn't here. And that I loved them so, so much, so much that it almost hurt.

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