∟ 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

Comincia dall'inizio

          "Hurt them all first," Savitar stated with a smile. He rested his hands on his hips and took a small step closer to Alacrity, leaning down slightly so their noses were almost touching. "Hurt her team, but leave everyone alive. Weaken Swift and The Flash's defences, weaken the people that keep them running and fighting, and then they'll give up."

          "How will hurting them keep Swift from killing us? And how will that keep The Flash from intruding?"

          "Playing games is always more fun than jumping right to the end," Savitar said and tapped Alacrity's nose with his finger before stepping away with a slight laugh. "Barry won't let Anna kill anyone. Keep him alive, she stays tame. Leave them both until last, go after everyone they love first."

          Alacrity nodded along with Savitar's words, surprised that she actually liked his plan. She smiled deviously and made a mental list of who she would go after first. Of course, she had to pick someone who wasn't so obvious first — someone who she cared about, but wouldn't fall apart if they were hurt; she had to start off easy. If Anna and Barry continued to fight back after that, Alacrity would slowly work her way up through their friends list, going after someone closer to them each time. In the end, someone was going to end up dead. Whether it was Anna or Barry, or their friends, Alacrity would be satisfied if some part of Anna or Barry was dead — whether it was her physically or a piece of her mind and heart. In the end, Swift was going to die.

.: 。

ALACRITY AND SAVITAR watched as Alchemy walked into the hideout. He walked toward their seats confidently and got down on one knee, bowing his head for a moment. Alchemy was the perfect person to begin the attack against Swift and The Flash. While Savitar had no idea that Alacrity was planning to attack so soon, she was more than ready to move forward with her plan.

          "What do you need me to do?" Alchemy questioned and looked back and forth between the two speedsters sitting before him on chairs they viewed as thrones.

          Alchemy leaned forward slightly, crossing one leg over the other. "Continue doing what you're doing, Alchemy. Keep converting people into metas from Zeropoint," she explained and stood up, walking toward the man who slowly rose up to his feet, his eyes glued to Alacrity's. "But I need you to go after someone in particular."

          "You're starting already?" Savitar asked, his voice full of concern as he walked toward his red-haired partner. He rested a hand on her arm and turned her toward him, their eyes meeting. "We've barely prepared, Alacrity. I want them gone just as badly as you do, but if we aren't careful, they'll figure out who we are and we will lose."

          "Lose? Oh, baby, we won't lose," Alacrity said and rested a hand on the side of Savitar's face that hadn't been burned. She smiled slightly and tilted her head. "They can't beat Gods."

          "Ma'am, who should I go after?" Alchemy asked, causing Alacrity to look over at him with a devious smile.

          "Don't answer that question," Savitar ordered and pointed a finger at Alacrity's chest, narrowing his eyes. "We aren't ready for this yet."

          "We've been watching them for months. We're ready," Alacrity said, her smile dropping from her face. She slid her hand down Savitar's face and wrapped her hand around his throat as tightly as she could. She threw a punch to his abdomen and dropped him to his knees, releasing his throat. "I am in charge here, Sav. I call the shots and you do what I say. You don't make the rules, you just obey them. Are we clear?"

          "I'm just—"

          "Don't make me burn the other side of your face!" Alacrity yelled, her eyes glowing red as she stared at her partner. Red lightning curled up her fingertips and toward her forearms, crackling quietly. "I asked if we're clear."

          Savitar glanced over at Alchemy and then slowly stood up, nodding his head slowly. "We're clear," he said, his eyes full of fear.

          "That's what I thought," Alacrity said and cleared her throat, her eyes returning back to normal. She smiled and turned to Alchemy, shaking out her hands and sending away the red lightning that electrified her skin. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," she began and clasped her hands together in front of her. "You need to go after someone that Anna and Barry care about, but not someone they'll rip apart the world to protect. Someone they want to keep safe, but someone they won't kill for."

          "And who might that be?" Alchemy asked and raised his eyebrows at the two speedsters, looking back and forth between them.

          Alacrity bounced up and down on the balls of her feet excitedly, growing eager to begin her terror against her least favourite speedsters. She clapped her hands together, her smile growing wide as she looked over at Savitar who watched her in fear. "Wally West."

𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭: ᴢᴇʀᴏᴘᴏɪɴᴛ ²  − b. allen ((editing))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora