28 - Two worlds

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" happy diwali to all readers"

Writer's pov

Rathore villa

" Why Parvathi decided not to attend the function ? You know it's a family function right? " Dadi asked to Parvathi who was sitting beside Dadi to inform that she can't attend diwali function.

" I know maa.....but  I agreed to attend another function today evening. It's a  diwali function organised by women's welfare association for abandoned kids. I can't say that I can't attend it at this last moment. " Parvathi explained to dadi the reason she can't go with them.

" Parvathi...... This is a family function. People will ask for you, media will be there, if you are not with Shiva what they are going to write ? " Dadi asked bit annoyingly.

"Maa..... Media will be there too and they won't write up anything bad for I am attending such a function. I decided that I am going to attend it. As for our family function I have already arranged gifts and rest of items that should be given to Padma. Lakshmi had to take it with her that's all. " Parvathi didn't moved from her decision and said her stand.

" Maa it's fine. Anyways I am also not going. I have a get together party with some of my old friends. So let her go " meanwhile Shiva also came there who heard the conversation between his mom and wife. He let Parvathi to attend the function she committed.

From morning till evening Lechu was behind preperations and she personally checked the gifts that given to Viren's family also to other relatives, later there shouldn't be any issues over this. Lechu was very careful with Varada also. From her previous experiences and what she heard Varada said to Dev Lechu had that fear inside that danger is hovering around her head.

Time was already late so she ran to get ready before Dev arrives. Once he is there Lechu won't get time for her but to run behind him and at end he might leave without her.

" My new dress " Lechu swirl around and danced in front of mirror wearing her new dress gifted by her appa when he visited last time. She looked so happy and excited after wearing it

" I am too much good for you Mr Devdutta Pratap Singh Rathore... " Lechu raised her one eyebrow and talked to herself looking at mirror with so much attitude.

" You shouldn't be the one who decide that " Dev pushed her to a side grunting at her and opened his wardrobe.

For couple of minutes Lechu stood there frozen from head to toe. She never thought that he will come there at that right moment and that's without making any noise.

" I...... I didn't mean that. " Lechu mumbled.

" Steam this " Dev threw his outfit at Lechu and ordered. She held on it and stood there like a stupid. Lechu herself didn't understand why she stood there looking Dev expecting some compliments from him or atleast he will notice her in that outfit.

" What are you looking at ? " Dev asked rudely.

" Huh ? No..... Nothing. Is this enough ? Aunty told me media will be there " Lechu asked about what she was wearing hesitantly.

"So what ? " Dev frowned his face and asked. After few seconds he understood why she asked that.

" Oh now I got........ Don't even think about it. I don't want you anywhere near to my side. Just zip your lips and stand somewhere at corner. I am warning, if you are planning for any drama there I will tear you off. Remember that well " Dev pulled Lechu to his side forcefully and warned her.

Love Me If You DareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora