13 - Unexpected

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Lechu's pov

I opened my eyes with a sudden shiver all over my body. It was so cold and I was drenched. Dev stood in front of me holding an empty glass jug and I was still on the floor same place trying to recollect myself.
Did he just splashed water on me ?

Somehow I tried to wake up from floor with my aching body . I mourned when I supported my right hand on floor because of a sudden thrush of pain I felt on my shoulders. I couldn't move my right hand not even for an inch.

" Stop the drama and come with me '' Dev threw the jug towards the bed and said to me without any mercy. He walked towards the door and stopped again to say something.

" If you are coming with me then come now or find out a way by your own " oh , so that was a warning.

With the help of my left hand I wake up from floor not moving my right hand. I kept it so close to me, I was scared to move because it gave that much pain for me. I somehow walked in that dress descending each steps slowly. Dev already went outside so better I speed up or he will get angry for that too. Tonight I can't be more energetic than this.....my body is ditching me. When will all these end ?

I sat next to Dev still weeping. I don't wanted to but I can't control my tears. My body knows it's paining then how can I stop my tears.

" For whom you are pouring this crocodile tears ? I don't want to see it " Dev grunted while fastening his seat belt.

" Then why you are hurting me like this ? Are you even a human being ? Raising hands on a girl.....do you think that it's the way to show your masculinity ? Anyone can beat tied up dogs and wives right ? They won't bite you back " I stared at Dev with this thought in my mind but didn't get enough guts to say it on his face.

He started to drive and I sat there pressing on my shoulders to ease up my pain. It was getting difficult to hold it back. I think I got a fracture.

" It's paining Dev. I can't hold it back more than this..... " Finally I opened my mouth and told him about the pain. He suddenly turned the car and continued driving but I was shocked when he stopped his car in front of a small clinic. I don't care even if it is a tiny dispensary. Atleast a painkiller is fine for me right now.

I quickly stepped out from car and walked slowly towards the main door but I stopped there stumbled watching Dev leaving without saying anything. He went like he came to dump me here.

I was prepared mind as he won't accompany me to see a doctor but he was a step ahead of my thoughts. He don't even wanted to wait for me. Holding on the door handle I stood there with my partially opened mouth looking at the gate expecting he might come back but didn't.

Anyways I came here so it's better to consult with a doctor. Standing in front of reception they said one doctor is Available for night duty and I decided to take his admission. Receptionist took my details and other informations including whether it's my first time visiting their clinic. At last as an initial payment I got the bill as 650 rupees.

My first card didn't worked, second credit card was on overdue so not working, third card was just a debit card with insufficient balance.

" Ready cash is also fine mam " receptionist said politely. I decided to call Jasmine since it's empty inside and quickly opened the clucth to get my phone but then again reality check. I don't have my phone with me also I don't know her number without my phone.

" I will just come right now. My husband is waiting outside " saying this I came out from clinic and walked straight to the road without turning back. My face became pale and both hands were cold like ice due to embarrassment. I never faced such a situation in my life. At somewhere middle on the way I stopped and looked around . Time was already past 12 at night. Only few vehicles passed through the road. Rest were bikes and rickshaw. I don't understand where I was standing and to which direction I should walk.

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