56 - A virgin

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Dev's pov

I feel like laughing at the scene that is happening right now in front of me. Not because of the girl who is standing in front of me but thinking about my own thoughts.

One side of my brain was happy to see her but other side was fuming with anger watching Lakshmi in that place. But I don't have that right to get angry on her because I am responsible for what she is right now.

I sighed heavily and turned back towards the glass window without saying anything.

" I...... I never did this.... this is..... "

" Actually I didn't know that it's going to be you..... "

Lakshmi was saying something in a trembling voice looking at my back. She was trying to give reasons for her presence in this suite room. I didn't asked for that but she started saying it  but none were clear or nothing was  complete.

I am not going to blame her, I am not even going to ask her why she is doing this? I am not even going to criticize her for choosing this job. Because at end the root cause will be me. If she can only see this way who am I to criticize her ? Neither I was any help for her nor I am a solace for her.

Shutting both mind and ears I ran my eyes around the night view of this busy city. I should do something right now because my decision is gonna make a change in her life , may be in my life too.

I turned back and looked at Lakshmi by standing against the glass window.

" Can I leave...... " She whimpered and asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and forward my hand showing the door letting her to leave. Lakshmi quickly turned to open the door and started to pull the knob but that door didn't opened. I know it won't open unless I open it. That's why I asked her to leave. I just wanted to see whether she will leave for sure or just showing off.

Lakshmi's hand slowly dropped down from the door handle feeling ditched. She looked at me pathetically to let her leave.

" Please...... I don't want to do this. I never did this. I want to go.... I am really sorry .... " she again started begging to me.

" Why you came here then ? For what ? " Finally I decided to talk with her. I wasn't angry, I wasn't annoyed either. Then what was my emotion that time even I didn't understand. I was very calm when I started talking to her.

" Huh ? " Lakshmi nervously looked at my face with a confused look.

" If you wanted to go back without finishing your job then why you came here ? To see who is going to be your sponsor ? " I asked again little more clearly.

" I didn't know that it is going to be you " Lakshmi mumbled and then sniffed heavily.

" So, are you disappointed that it is me ? Didn't my face excited you ? " I asked and waited for a reply. Just like I expected she didn't say anything and I smiled watching her silence.

" Lilly or Max both didn't tell me whom I am going to meet. I shouldn't have come here if I knew that ..... "

" So you are okay with other men but not with me ? " Cutting her off I asked calmly.

" I never did this, I don't want to do this ...... So to show what that drama was for ? I know very well about your history. Then aren't these statements from your mouth sounds are so hypocritical ? " I asked with a scoff. I didn't understand the look she gave me when I said that. It was a giving up sigh like she has nothing to say anything about it.

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