19 - Another world

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🔞🔞 Mature version in dreame app🔞 🔞


Writer's pov

A luxury spa in city

" Is this pressure enough for you madam ?"

The massage therapist who was giving her Swedish massage for Varada and asked to her very politely. She hummed very calmly like she is enjoying the way he is doing.

" You are a new therapist here, right?" Varada asked to the guy who was on her service

" Yes Madam" he replied softly while moving his hands.

" You should know that I am a vip customer of this spa and only special therapists will be assigned for me. There are some benefits for you if I liked your service" Varada said in a very calm tone and turned around with a sheepish smile on her face

"You look so young" she commented looking at his face

" I am 25 years old Madam " he replied politely.

"That's good. I liked your service. " Varada replied and wake up from the spa bed covering her up with the robe.

" Thank you mam" he helped her to step down from the bed and accompanied to the hot tub for form bath.
He did his job very professionally and scrubbed her like the way she wants. After finishing up everything Varada got dressed up and met her therapist guy before leaving.

" This is my gift for you." she shoved some money to his jeans pocket and tapped on his crotch with a smile.

"Thank you madam" he said very happily and nod his head a little to show his gratitude.

Varada came to the front office and met her friend who is the owner of that spa, Laila , that's her name. A transgender lady who looks overly dressed and with heavy makeup.

"How was the service ?" Laila asked to Varada.

" Good, I liked it. I feel so relaxed now. This week was too hectic for me and I was so stressed." Varada sat on the couch keeping her one leg over another and continued her conversation with Laila.

" You didn't take your botox this month? Skin is looking very saggy" she asked checking Varada's face.

" Ufff, don't make me remember. This time they ruined it up. I was pissed off because of that. I told you I was stressed. This is the main reason. Next month I need to get another appointment. Wrinkles are irritating me Laila " Varada rolled her eyes and said. She quickly leaned forward to ask about something to Laila.

" Hey what about that thing I asked you to get ? You have that? " Varada asked her friend to get something for her from one of foreign dealers Laila knows. Some beauty related product.

" Of course, your ask me something and how can I forgot about it ! I got two boxes for you. Varada its very expensive but product is genuine." Laila stood from her place and went to get the product from a secret room of her's inside the spa. She came back with two black leather boxes and opened it to show Varada.

"Pure colostrum extract and processed using nanotechnology. Here is the product you wanted. Six ampules are there in one box, you should inject once in two weeks. If you use six boxes like this without any break then they guarantee that your skin will look flawless and young even at age of eighty. Trust me..." saying this she passed that boxes to Varada .

"But Laila....... 20 lakhs for one box isn't that bit over priced" Varada asked looking at the box throughly.

"Results you are going to get with that price is priceless sweety. Why you are bothered about money ? Is this 20 lakhs a huge amount for you ? Dev is earning for whom ? He wants his aunt to live like a queen and a queen shouldn't look bad. Have ever seen an ugly queen in any history?" Laid said all sugar coating words and made Varada convinced.

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