53 - Missing her

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Writer's Pov

" Since there isn't much or anything valuable you can keep your things here "

" Bathroom is outside and it's common for all. Morning ten or after every family members finish having their breakfast you can have it along with other maids.  There is a space outside the kitchen for us. Lunch will be at two, evening break will be at five and dinner will be at exact ten o clock. Remember these timings because even if you are late for one minute you won't get a drop of water from here especially at night. Kitchen will be closed. Sharp four in the morning everyone should wakeup and start doing your work alloted for you by previous night. There shouldn't be any confusion or lag once the day starts. "

Lakshmi was silently hearing the instructions giving by a maid. Aadhya and Lakshmi came back to Rathore villa morning itself from hospital and they were directly taken to the cottage for maids. Lakshmi and Aadhya together got a room with a single bed with a coat. Even though Lechu stayed in Rathore villa for many months it was the first time she is seeing the cottage for maids.

Aadhya was also hearing everything while she was keeping their clothes and her books at free spaces she found inside that room.  From her face itself it can be said that Aadhya doesn't like that room , place or the maids. Since she doesn't have any other options she stayed silently.

Aadhya stood behind Lechu and held on her hand with a sad face. When they first realised that for what they are taken into that house Aadhya got worried about her schooling. She thought they won't let her go to school.

" Parvathi aunty...... " Aadhya mumbled and Lechu stopped her suddenly.

" Why ? Can't you stay here without seeing Parvathi ? " Varada came there who heard Aadhya asking for Parvathi. Aadhya stared at Varada clearly showing her dislike for her.

" Why are you staring at me like that ?  For making you do some mere house chores? " Varada asked in a sarcastic tone to Aadhya.

" Then what two sisters have thought ? You both can stay here like queens ? " Varada said in a rude tone and looked at both Lechu as well as Aadhya like scanning them.

" Already free loading here shamelessly and showing that face on me ? No one is asking to do all the works in this house. Just help these maids with something and fill your stomach. Then only you will be able to enjoy it and understand the value of things that you are getting in your life. Understood ? " She asked.

" Di ...... Let's go from here " Aadhya begged to Lechu from her back. Lechu  consoled her and asked to adjust for some days.

" I didn't say anything and I don't have any issues with doing these works but I won't let my sister to do the house chores " Lechu said to Varada in a stern voice.

" That's not something you can decide. Maaji asked me to check on both of you.  So I will decide who have to do what. " Varada spatted back at Lechu.

" I said Aadhya won't do it. She will never do any work in this house. She is a school student and still studying. I don't want her to get disturbed with such unnecessary things and spoil her future" Lechu said adamantly.

" You have this voice to shout at me ? If I want then at this I moment itself  I can kick you out from this house. No one will come and ask me. Then both sisters can live on streets. " Varada started arguing with Lechu and insisted Aadhya will work along with Lechu.

" I will shout until you leave my sister from this slavery. She will go to school from here itself. I am more than enough to finish works in this house. Also after finishing that I will go to my cafe and come back at night. I am not indebted to anyone in this house. Definitely not to you. So don't show this authority on me " Lechu yelled at Varada. That triggered her badly because some maids were watching this. Gritting her teeth Varda stared at Lechu with her blood shot eyes.

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