51 - Backfired plan

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Dev's pov

" Appa.........."

" Lakshmi calm down my child. You are going to get sick again if you continue to be like this "

" Appa....... Appa.......  I want to go with him. "

I was standing outside the room where Lakshmi was admitted. I could hear her miserable crying just by standing outside itself. My hands shivered and it was cold as ice to open the door. I was a coward to face Lakshmi. People become a coward when they are wrong and with guilt.

" I lied to him..... I lied to him about everything so that he can be happy. Then why he....... How could he go like that leaving us alone. I killed him ..... I killed him "

" Adhu..... Don't say like that. Look at your sister she is also crying watching you in this state. Whatever he went he will be at peace. Don't cry like this "

I could hear Parvathi mom trying to console her as best as she can but whatever it is the one who we went is her own father.  It's actually killing me. Was he in that much pressure ? Did my words added fuel to that ? I shouldn't have behaved that much harsh with him that day. He should be strong for his daughters. Atleast to beat me up he should have hang up there. I was late...... I was damn fucking late.

I gripped my hand on the door handle feeling like a jerk. I was angry on myself, I told ill about her father and always said I want to see him on road but I never wished him to die. It was all said because of my pain inside my heart. Just like how Lakshmi is crying I cried that whole night all alone inside a dark room. There wasn't even a single hand to console me. Felt like to finish myself that moment itself but even my death wasn't in my hands. It was paining deep inside feeling Nisha won't be with me anymore. My baby...... How she would have looked like, what she would have became in future, how I am going to be a father for her I dreamt all these. I could only imagine a beautiful baby girl in place of my baby then and now also. I dreamt all night playing with her. But all those dreams were snatched away from me within a night.

In a sense I killed her dad. I made two girls orphan. If Govind had came to my life unexpectedly then I appeared in their life with all planning. Is that all justifiable ? What I can do now ? My apology won't make things back to normal. I can't give them their father back. I can't swipe their tears now. Then what I can do for them ? Giving back what I snatched them will be enough ?

" Di...... "

" Lakshmi..... "

Suddenly I heard them shouting from room taking Lakshmi's name. I opened the door frantically to check what's happened inside and Lakshmi came and hit on my body was at the same.

" What happened ?" I held on Lakshmi who was struggling to leave from my grip and enquired about the matter to Parvathi mom.

"I don't understand....she pushed me away and ran...... "

" Leave me.......I want to go. I want to go with my appa. I can't stay here without him. '' Lakshmi screamed and cried trying to run. She was hitting on my chest to release my grip.

" Lakshmi.... Calm down. Listen to me... please. " I also tried to make her calm down but she was getting more violent.

"Appa......." Laskhmi shouted for her dad and behaved like a mad girl. She was getting hyper like even I lost my grip on her for a second. She ran out from the room and we all ran behind her.

" Lakshmi........ " I called her repeatedly to stop but nothing worked.

Finally in front of main entrance I caught her and with help of some medical staffs we took her back to room forcefully. Lakshmi was still crying for her appa and that really made my heart churn.

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