Letting You In

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{P.O.V. Jennifer Ross-Ryans}

Last night was unexpected. I got to see a side of Kendrick. That I have never really seen before. He finally opened up a little to me, which is some progress. Knowing that Lucia is his ex-fiance. I have decided not to become close friends with her. 

I know it would make him feel better, and personally, I would too. I'm quite excited about today. Kendrick and I are finally going to get to know each other a little. I have been up since 8:00 this morning. Obviously, Kendrick was up before me. Because I didn't find him lying next to me when I got up.

Getting dressed in the clothes that Mrs. Conners laid out for me. I was wearing a red t-shirt, black leather jacket, jeans, and black heeled boots. That went up to my knees and over the top of my jeans. I have put my hair in a high ponytail without straightening it, making curly and untamed. Heading downstairs into the dining room. Mrs. Conners was clearing the table.

"Good morning Mrs. Ryans." Mrs. Conners greats me.

"Good morning, do you know where Kendrick is?" Asking her.

"He just got done eating breakfast and went outside. Can I get you something to eat? "

"Yes, will you come to get me when it's ready?"

"Of course I can."

"Thanks." Heading outside where Kendrick was.

His outside in the backyard throwing the ball for Rhea and Duke. With Rhea, he was throwing it really far and for Duke close by. He looks hot in that leather jacket. He looks like a real bad boy. Opening the patio sliding door Kendrick looks at me, walking up to him.

"Morning." He greets me.

"Morning." Greeting him back.

"Sleep well?"

"I slept great. What about you?"

"Best sleep I have had in a couple of weeks."

"Good.. so where are we going today?" Rhea runs back towards us and drops the ball at my feet. Picking it up and throwing it for her.

"I can't tell you it will give the excitement away." Both looking back towards the sliding door. Mrs. Conners was letting me know my breakfast was ready. "Go eat, and then we will head out."

"Okay.." Giving him a half-smile. Walking a little towards the patio. Getting this strange urge, I turn back around. "Kendrick?.."

"Yea?.." Walking fast back towards him, when I got to him, I kissed him. He wraps his arms around my upper back. While I fist some hands full of his shirt. Pulling my lips away from his, he had a look of surprise.

"What was that for?" He asks, a little breathless as he swallows a little hard.

"I'm sorry. I just felt like kissing you."

"Don't apologize for wanting to kiss me. I enjoy kissing you."

"Oh..." That got me blushing. Stepping out of his embrace. "Well, I better go eat something."

"Alright." I head inside to eat.

After eating, I went to the restroom to freshen up. Getting ready to head outside. Spotting Kendrick through the window. He was sitting at the patio table talking on the phone. Before I step outside, my phone rings, the ID reading Cassidy.

"Hello," Answering the phone.

"Hey, you long time not hearing from you," Cass replies

"We saw each other the other day."

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