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{P.O.V. Jennifer Ryans}

Two days before Christmas...

The last couple of months have been amazing with Kendrick. It also has been amazing to be pregnant with our little girl. I have gotten a cute baby bump now, and I can also feel her kick. The first time Kendrick and I got to feel her kick. We were cuddling in bed, facing one another, with Kendrick kissing all over me. Then, out of nowhere, she kicked really hard. I couldn't help but smile hugely, knowing I could feel her. It wasn't only me that smiled at first, Kendrick looked a little surprised. Then he placed his hand on my stomach and waited for her to kick again. And when she did, he had this big goofy smile that just warmed my heart. 

Placing some lipstick on my lips, I finish getting ready for tonight's event. Looking in the body mirror, admiring the white dress I was wearing. It went to my knees, and it had long sleeves on it, the sleeves hang off my shoulders. The part that I loved about it the most was how it showed off my baby bump. Grabbing a pair of white heeled wedges, I sit down in the closet chair, putting them on. The heel of the shoe was clear, and looks liked there was ice coming down it.  

"Are you ready to go?" Kendrick asks as he enters the closet. 

"I believe I am." Telling him, looking up at him, I could see that he was checking me out. "Who eye fucking who now?" His eyes look up towards mine, getting sea-blue eyes caught with luscious brown. 

"I am. You look stunning, except you're missing something." 

"What exactly am I missing?" Asking curiously. He walks towards me, helps me stand. 

"Close your eyes." Doing as he says, I could feel him put something around my neck. "Alright, you can open them." 

Opening my eyes and feeling what he put on, it was a necklace. Looking in the mirror, it was stunning. It had a silver chain and small diamonds going down the chain, making it look like icicles. It was beautiful, and it went perfectly with my outfit. 

"It is beautiful, what's the occasion?" 

"Call it an early Christmas present. I knew you didn't have any jewelry to go with your outfit tonight. Thanks to your nagging about it, so I got you some jewelry to go with it." Smiling big at him, he pulls me tight to him the best he could with my stomach in the way. Placing his hand behind my head underneath my ponytail, and kisses me. While kissing me sweetly, he pulls my ponytail out. Pulling my lips away from his and lightly smacking his chest. 

"Hey, it took me forever to get ready." Using my playing but also serious tone.

"Trust me in that outfit, my necklace, and your curly hair down make you look even more irresistible." He compliments, earning a blush from me. He holds his arm out to me, putting my arm in with his. We leave for tonight's Christmas cocktail company party. 

Every year, the company throws a big enormous cocktail party, on the third floor down from the CEO's office. This floor was specially made for events like this. This year we have a winter wonderland theme. The flowers were white, there was clear crystal, and sliver everywhere. The Christmas tree looked like there was snow on it with beautiful icicles. Glass blue ornaments along with sliver ornaments hung from the tree, and a blue skirt was at the bottom. The top of the tree has a beautiful star that had beautiful dark blue and white lights. There were tall chairs and tables everywhere, with candles in the middle of the tables. The serving staff was serving food, champagne, soda water, and red wine. 

The party was hit as it always was. Kendrick and Nolan were off somewhere talking about whatever it is those two talk about, while Cassidy and I sat at the table. Talking about what it is what we talk about. 

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