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{P.O.V. Jennifer Ross-Ryans}

The rest of the day was long. I looked around the house and the grounds. What made it so long is I had little to do. To keep myself entertained, I played fetch with Rhea. Duke followed Kendrick into his office earlier today. In the evening, Kendrick and I had dinner. Then he went back to his office. While I looked around a little more. The room I walked into was fascinating.

There were many instruments. From drums, guitars, piano, violins, and more. On the walls, different posters of different rock bands hung. There were also pictures of Kendrick. Getting to meet some of those bands. But the Kendrick in the pictures. Looked different from the Kendrick I know.

The one in the pictures looked way younger, like a teenager. With his long, below the ear length black hair. Had piercing on his tongue, left eyebrow, and a couple in his lower lip. The clothes he wore were a black t-shirt and jeans.

It was strange to see him dressed that way. I have always visioned Kendrick as the popular jock kind of guy and perfect grades. Not the weird punk-looking kid in school. The picture that really caught my attention. Was teenager Kendrick sitting next to four other teenagers. One of them looks like Nolan. The other two males. I don't even know who they are. The fifth was a girl with beautiful long blonde hair. She looks a lot like the one Kendrick was fighting with, that one day I came to work.

She must have been important in Kendrick's life. The way her arm hung around his neck. As her other arm hung around. One guy I don't recognize. All five of them looked thrilled together. There were other pictures like this hanging in the room.

Continuing to look around on a bookshelf. There were old videotapes. Label band practice #1,#2, and #3 all the way to #450. There was even some label with different tour names. Wonder what's on them? I don't have time now to check. I will have to check them out. When Kendrick at work. Leaving the room made me wonder. If he played any of those instruments? The rest of the night, I stayed in Kendrick and my room. I got ready for bed in some black lingerie. Sitting on the bed reading a book until I fell asleep.

All I could dream about was the five teenagers. In those pictures, trying to figure out who they are. That was, until an alarm woke me up. Peeling my eyes open. Looking at the clock, it was 6:00 a.m. Right behind me was a half-naked Kendrick sleeping. With his bareback facing my direction. It was tempting to touch him, but hard not to.

Sitting up and leaning over him a little. I try to turn the alarm off. When my short arms couldn't reach it. I crawled over him with my butt right above his hip. Reaching as far as I could. Turning the alarm off without waking up Kendrick, so I thought. Taking me by surprise, he grabs me. Pulls me onto the bed in front of him. Couldn't help let out a small squeal. With our chest pressed up to each other. Our faces are close to one another. Bright sea-blue eyes peeking through eyelids were looking at me.

"If you wanted the alarm off. All you had to do was wake me up." He says in a hot, sexy morning voice. "Unless there was something else you have in mind?"

"To be quite honest, I didn't think about that. I just wanted to hit snooze to sleep a little longer. My arms are a little short. I had no other option but to crawl on top of you to reach. So get your perverted mind out of the gutter." Snapping back a little defensively.

"Someone a little feisty this morning."

"I am not feisty. I just don't think everything is about sex."

"Did you forget that's why we're even together? Everything about our relationship is about sex." Hearing him say that kind of hurt a little. Why? I do not know.

"Let me go." Trying to get wiggle out of his arms. What he said is true. So why am I feeling a little offensive about it?

"No." He says bluntly

"Yes," telling him more demanding.

"NO." He says more firmly. Stopping my struggle to get away. I pouted instead crossing my arms across my chest. Turning my head towards the ceiling. Kendrick sighs deeply. "Jennifer, look at me."

Ignoring him, he demands again and again. With every demand, his tone of voice getting serious every time. I kept ignoring him, that was, until his hand came down hard down on my ass. Making a yelp leave my mouth.

"What!?" Yelling at him

"When I call your name. I expect you to answer. Don't ignore me again. I didn't mean to offend you. But you need to get this is what our relationship is. So quit pouting like a child and act like an adult."

"You know I'm starting to really not like you even more." My body and heart were screaming at me. That what I said wasn't true. What I had said must have struck something. In that cold, devilish heart of his because his face went emotionless.

"Guess what? I really don't care. You're stuck with me for the next two years." He flips me onto the other side of him. Putting me back on my side of the bed. He gets out of bed. "Get ready for work. We leave in an hour and a half."

He heads towards the closet. Why do I feel like I just made him mad? Why did I get so upset? I know what he said is true. Why did it kind of sting when he said it? Sitting here for a few minutes, I realize why. It's because I like him. I guess I am like other girls. Except I don't have to crush or fantasize about our relationship. Sighing in frustration while covering my face with a pillow. Knowing it was going to be a long day.

The car ride was quiet on the way to the office. Getting to the office, I could hear some whispers about. Kendrick and me as we walked in. Some even gave me some evil looks. Well, some girls did. It made me want to climb under a rock and hide. Kendricks grabs my hand and gives it a little squeeze. Giving me some comfort and confidence. Even after what happened this morning. He still does this for me. I couldn't help but smile. Stepping into the elevator by ourselves. We head up to the top floor.

"You really shouldn't let them get to you." He says, while letting go of my hand. By the sound of his voice. He must still be upset about earlier this morning. If that is the case, then why did he hold my hand?

"It is easier said than done." Replying.

"I'm fully aware of that, and now that you're a Ryans. You need to learn how to. Because they're going to be people that will say and do mean things to you."

"You make it sound so easy. If it is so easy, then how do you do it?"

"All that matters is what you think. About yourself and not what others think of you." The elevator door opens.

He walks out and into his office. Damn, this man is frustrating! Heading to my old desk, I work on some paperwork. After lunch, I went to the break room. Two floors down below the top floor. Before stepping in, I could hear a small group of girls. Sitting around a table gossiping, and the topic was me.

"I heard that they have been sleeping with each other. For the past two years, when she was working here. Not just that, I heard she only does it for money." Girl One says.

"Like a slut?" Girl Two gushes.

"Yes, not just that, I heard. The only reason she even married him. Was, so he didn't have to pay her for a good time anymore. "

"What a gold digger."

"I thought they were dating? And he finally asked her to marry him?" Girl Three asks, a little confused.

"That not what I heard." Girl One defends.

"Poor Mr. Ryans." Girls Three sympathizes.

Rolling my eyes at their annoying lies. Taking a deep breath in and letting it out, I walk in. Going straight to the vending machine. To get a couple of water bottles. The girls went quiet, pretending like they were eating and drinking. Grabbing the waters, leaving the break room. Before I stepped through the door. One girl spoke up.

*Another Chapter is done! Please leave comments and thoughts. Update soon.*

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