The In-Laws

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{P.O.V. Jennifer Ross}

Kendricks pulls up to another gorgeous house. But this one was white with blue shutters. Nice lawn with flower beds and trees along with different fountains. Pulling up in the driveway. Kendrick parks the truck. On the way here, he told me where we were going. Now that we are here. I got to say I am very nervous. Because Kendrick Father never really did like me. Now, I'm here at his house. Kendricks going to introduce me as his future wife. I can only imagine what his father is going to say about it.

"Relax, don't let my dad bully you around, alright? But also know when you should speak and when you shouldn't." Nodding my head, we get out of the truck. An older woman with her dark brown hair walks up. Wearing a delicate dress, greeting us. She looks a little like Kendrick. Especially her eyes. They were identical to his. 

"Kendrick, sweetheart, nice to see you again." The older woman says, hugging her son. Turning her attention to me. Letting go of her son, she comes and greets me. "Jennifer, sweetheart, it's so nice to see you as well. I am surprised to see you here, though."

"Jennifer is the woman I have chosen for my future wife." Kendrick pipes in.

"Really?" Mrs. Ryans asks excitedly.

"Yes, Mrs. Ryans." Answering her.

"Oh, please, if you are going to be my future daughter-in-law. Please call me by name, Liz, or you can even call me mom."

"Alright, Liz." She claps her hands with excitement.

"Mom, Where's, Dad?" Kendrick asks.

"He's in is his office finishing up a phone call."

"Will you be alright with my Mother for a few minutes?" He asks me.

"Of course, she will be fine. Get your father." Kendrick rolls his eyes childish. It was kind of funny to see him act that way.

"Kendrick Micheal Ryans, do not roll your eyes at me again."

"Apologizes, Mom." He says before he walks away from us.

"Now, shall we go to the garden and talk about the wedding?" She asks me.

"Wedding?.. I get a wedding? I thought I was eloping with Kendrick?"

"Heavens, no, every girl needs a wedding." Placing her arm around my shoulders, we walk to the garden that's behind the house.

It was a beautiful garden with all kinds of different trees, bushes, and flowers. We were sitting in a gazebo. Drinking some tea and eating tea cakes. Mrs. Ryans has already planned most of the wedding. Because of the short time I have to get married. I loved the way she planned it. Even though she planned it. I still got the choice on my dress. My maid of honor and bridesmaid's dresses. I even get a say on who I want to invite. After some time, Mrs. Ryans and I took a break. From the wedding talk and got to know one another.

"Liz, I have to ask. Why throw a wedding? If Senor Mr. Ryans is only making the woman marry his son for two years?" Asking her out of curiosity. She places her teacup back on the saucer and smiles at me.

"The wedding was my idea... I have hope, Jennifer, that my son will fall in love again. It might be a silly mother's hope. But I want him to feel not alone." Liz giving me a straight answer. 'Fall in love again?' asking myself.

"You think Kendrick feels lonely?" asking her.

"Why else would he surround himself with all those women?" It kind of makes sense.

"You said to fall in love again?" Her smile disappears quickly. Looking like a kid getting caught with her hand stuck in a cookie jar.

"Yes, I said that, but it is not my story to tell. All I can tell you is he was engaged once. Not by arranged marriage, even though that how it started. With in time he asked her himself. Simply because he loved her for her, and not because of the arrangement."

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