Signing the Devil Contract

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{P.O.V. Jennifer Ross}

It is now Saturday morning. I had a hard time sleeping last night from. The excitement that I was finally going to get my B&B. That my grandma and I always wanted to have together. I'm also feeling a little nervous. Knowing I will marry a wealthy and powerful man. Also, that this man I'm going to marry is now my ex-boss. I'm just glad that this whole deal was not a joke, like I thought it was at first.

Running a little late this morning. From daydreaming about things. I never got the chance to straighten my natural wavy hair. Putting on some makeup and a t-shirt. Along with some jeans and sneakers. I was rushing out of my bedroom door. Heading towards the apartment door. Cass makes me stop and tries to get me to eat.

"Hey, you can't leave on an empty stomach," Cass says

"I will eat later, right now I'm running late." Telling her panicky while throwing my hair up into a messy bun.

"I think whoever is picking you up can wait ten minutes."

"I promise I will eat when I get back." Right as I say that, there was a knock on the door. Opening the door, it was just Braxton.

"Are you ready, Miss Ross?" Braxton asks me.

"Yes, I am." With that answer. I was out the door on my way to Kendrick Ryans's house.

Pulling up to this amazing place. There was a beautiful iron fence and an enormous gate. It had the name Ryans on the gate. With some beautiful design surrounding the name. Stopping at the gate, Braxton pushes the button to go through the gate. After talking to someone, the gate opens, and we drive on through. Following a nice paved road to the front door. A huge flower bed sat in the middle of the driveway with a small fountain.

Stopping the car in front of a beautiful, vast house. With different shades of browns. With some rock siding going along the bottom of the house. Huge green yard with tall trees and different flower beds. This place was beautiful. It was nothing like I imagine. I thought maybe Kendrick lived up in some stuffy penthouse, as most bachelors do. The front door opens. A woman of maybe her early forty walks out. She had short brown hair that went to her earlobes. She wore a nice black dress with an apron. With some short black heels.

"Hello, I'm Eliza Conners, but call me Mrs. Conners. I am Mr. Ryans's head housekeeper. You must be Jennifer?" The woman greets me warmly.

"Um, hi, and yes, I'm Jennifer." Greeting back.

"My, you are a beautiful young lady. Mr. Ryans is just in the dining room." She heads back into the house with me following her.

"So you said you were the head housekeeper? How many more are there?"

"Just a married couple and myself."

"That it? You take care of this complete house?"

"There are other staff, of course, for different things. But the married couple and I take care of the inside of the house."

 Heading into the dining room, it was beautiful. It had a lot of dark brown woodwork and light grey paint. There was a vast window behind the wooden dining room table. Letting a lot of light in. Making the place light up and beautiful. That wasn't even the best part Kendrick was. 

I mean, it was different and hot to see him dress this way. Instead of a stuffy suit that he wears all the time. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt showing off all his muscles and his tattoo sleeves. I didn't even know he had tattoo sleeves on both arms. He was also wearing a pair of dark blue jeans with a few rips in them. With black motorcycle boots covering his feet. He was so sexy looking. My mouth kind of went dry.

Turning away from the table, he looks at me with those sea-blue eyes. 'Holy shit, he sexy.' Thinking out loud to myself. Not only because of his unique eyes. But his black short floppy hair was untamed. 

"Good afternoon Jennifer." Kendrick's dark voice pulls my attention.

"Afternoon." Greeting him back while trying to sound normal. Not like a girl that has a high school crush.

"Have a seat." He pulls out a chair for me.

Taking a seat. There was a black folder in front of me. He takes a seat next to me. 'Oh dear lord, he smells well more than he normally does,' telling myself. Mrs. Conners places two glasses of wine on the table. Telling her thanks. Kendrick makes a grunt like sound. Looking at him, he nods his head at the folder. Rolling my eyes from his demand, and opening the folder. We have been talking about the agreement. Along with a nondisclosure agreement and a postnuptial agreement.

"Your Lawyer did all this in one night?" Asking with shock and a little annoyed.

"Of course not. She has been working on it for weeks. She could finally complete our agreement. Now that you have given me an answer. On what it is you want out of this marriage."

"Oh..." Looking back at the other two agreements.

"The nondisclosure agreement is for. That you won't tell anyone that I made a deal with you. For this marriage to work. For your social and media safety and mine. We don't need the world to know why we got married."

"Why are you shamed by how?" His once serious look got even more serious. If looks could kill, I would be dead right now. My heart feels like it dropped into my stomach. He leans in closer, his face was only a few inches away from mine.

"I'm not ashamed of marrying you, Jennifer. Trust me when I say there will be something. Throughout this marriage, that you. Don't want the media getting ahold of. It's for your safety and mine." He says in a dark, serious voice.

A voice that could make a girl heartbeat. Beat from the attraction and the adrenaline of danger. For that is what's happening with my heart right now. Along with my lungs feeling breathless. Swallowing hard, trying to control myself. From kissing him with how close our lips are. He leans back in his chair. The air in my lungs could return. My heart calmed itself.

"As for the postnuptial agreement. It is for sorting all property rights along with other rights just in case if there is a divorce." Kendrick finishes what he was going to say before I said my rude remark.

"I see and understand." Grabbing the pen, getting ready to sign. Kendricks grabs my hand. Our eyes meeting each other.

"Make sure this is what you want, Jennifer. Once you sign these papers, there is no going back."

"I'm sure this is what I want." Taking his hand off my mine and placing the pen on the paper. I sign my signature on all the papers. It felt like I was signing my soul away. To the devil himself, and it wasn't just a feeling. It was a realization that I did. I hope that this marriage is worth the dream and wish to have my B&B.

"Congratulations, you are now the Head Mistress of the household." He takes the folder and closes it. He stands up from his chair and holds out his hand. "Come, we have somewhere to be."

"We do?" Where the hell is he taking me?

"Yes, we do." Taking his hand. He leads me to the car garage, and it was huge. There were different cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles. Some of these were from the '50s up to the '80s, and maybe the 90s, while others were modern. Taking me to a modern dark grey truck. We get in and the truck roars to life. Backing out of the garage, we head to where we were going. 

*Another chapter is done! Sorry it took so long. I had to take care of some personal things. Please leave comments and thoughts about the book so far. I will update soon.* 

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