The Start of a Long Day

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{P.O.V. Jennifer Ross}

Hearing an annoying beeping sound, I peel my eyes open. It was the sound of my alarm clock going off. Telling me it was time for another long day of work. Turning my alarm off, it was once again 6:00 a.m. peeling myself from my cozy bed.

Walking straight into the kitchen to start the coffeepot. Looking across the living room. I notice a cowgirl hat on my best friend's doorknob. She only does that when her boyfriend comes over to stay the night. In fact, it's our way of letting each other know. We're about to have sex and not to enter.

For her, it's been almost every night lately. Rolling my eyes in annoyance. It is not like I hate the guy because I don't. It's the fact she has got an amazing relationship. I have no one for the romance section. I have always been the girl who dreams about true love. To have fairytale-like endings. I have dated a few men, but none of them were the right ones. 

After drinking a coffee and eating eggs with toast. I get dressed and head out for my morning jog. Stepping out of my apartment building main doors. It was raining, but it didn't bother me though. Getting back home around 7:15 a.m. Cassidy, my best friend and roommate. Was cooking food in the kitchen. While her boyfriend Taylor was watching the t.v.

"Well, hello stranger, how was your jog?" Cassidy asks.

"Not too bad. How was your steamy night?" Asking back while taking a water bottle from the fridge. Turning back around, Cassidy's face was completely red. While Taylor just gave me an are-you-seriously-asking kind of look. It didn't bother me, though. To me, sex was a natural thing. I don't know why? Or understand why? Most people get flustered by talking about it.

"That good, huh? Well, I'm going to take a shower now." Leaving them, I headed into the bathroom.

Turning the water on and stripping my jogging clothes off. Stepping into the shower and letting the hot water wash away the sweat. It wasn't a long relaxing shower. It was quick and hurry kind. I got to be at work at eight a clock sharp. I can't even be one second later.

This is understandable when you're the secretary. Of one of the most wealthy companies here in Seattle. Not just any ordinary secretary, but the secretary to the CEO. That right, I am the secretary to the CEO of Ryan's Corporate.

Getting out of the shower and wrapping a towel around myself. Brushing my teeth real quick and also blow-drying my hair. Exiting the bathroom, Cassidy and Taylor were nowhere in sight. Entering my room as quickly as possible. Noticing the time and hurrying to get dressed. Black pencil skirt, silky grey blouse, black tights, and grey high heels. Putting my hair up in a bun and putting on some makeup. Grabbing my black jacket, black backpack, and purse and out the door to work.

Paying the cab driver and getting out. A tall, beautiful, black and gray building stood before me. With words, Ryans Corporate. Walking in through the front doors and heading to the elevators. The building looks like any normal modern building. Light grey walls, white marble floors, black and silver furniture, and light brown wooden tables. They're also a lot of windows, letting a lot of light in the building.

Entering the elevators, a small group of girls were whispering in the corner. Talking about the guys here in the building and what department they're in. The one guy they mostly talked about was Kendrick Ryans, the CEO. Just the mention of him makes my eyes roll in the back of my head. That's all most of the girls here do. Is talking about wanting to be his girlfriend. Or anything they can fantasize about.

Not me, though, unlike the other girls. I don't have a huge crush on my boss. I won't deny that he is hot and has a body of a god. But when you work close to him, as I do. You get to know the guy a little better than most. He's rude and arrogant, not to mention a huge player. He's another spoiled rich boy.

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