Chasing Games

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[P.O.V. Kendrick Ryans]

Sitting out on the backyard patio. Reading a contract for another company. That wants me to sign. Doing so, having a smoke and a scotch. This month has been crazy trying to find the right woman to take as my wife. But I found her, the perfect woman to be my wife. The only thing I can do now is wait for her answer. The work-week starts again tomorrow, and I'm hoping she will have her answer. Typing on my computer. My best friend, Nolan, takes a seat in front of me.

"So this is where you have been hiding. Not only are you hiding, but you're smoking and drinking hard liquor," Nolan says, a little sarcastically. Leaning back in my chair, taking another drag. 

"And your point?" Asking him while I let the smoke out of my mouth. 

"Come on, man, you don't drink the hard stuff unless something is wrong. What's going on?" He takes a seat from across me. Sitting sideways with his arm resting on the patio table.

"If I wanted to talk about my feelings. I would go to a therapist."

"That is understandable but I'm better than some therapist. Is it the whole wife thing bugging you? Shasa, your Tuesday girl, sorry, ex Tuesday girl. Told me about how you told her and the other girls. You had to get married. Because of this, you had to end their sexual business contracts."

"It's not like I have a choice in the matter." Mumbling under my breath. While giving an eye roll. 

"So it is true? I was gone for two months to Hawaii. Finishing business for the company. And you're here at home getting ready to get married." He says, a little amusingly. Grabbing the extra glass on the table. Pouring some bourbon in it. 

"Nice to know that my struggle in this makes it fun for you."

"It's only funny because I can't see you as a marriage type. Who, the lucky girl?" He takes a sip of his drink. 

"Jennifer Ross." Nolan spits out his drink as it sprays everywhere. Then he looks at me with a serious look. 

"Wait.. wait.. you picked your secretary? Why would you pick your secretary?" Giving him an evil grin like I was some genius. "I know that look, and you have a planned, cooked up, don't you?" 

Leaning forward in my chair, putting my cigarette out in the ashtray. Telling him my plan about why I chose Jennifer Ross. It's not only because of her beauty, and she would make a good sexual business partner. But because it's difficult being a Ryans with riches and popularity. There are people out to destroy you. Some of those people are the paparazzi, reports, personal enemies of the family, or simply enemies of your own. Because of this, I need someone that can deal with the pressures of being a Ryans. 

"Even if she says yes. Remember, she is still a woman. Most women like that romance stuff. That they see in their chick flicks. All I'm saying is don't hurt her. Remember that not only will she be your sexual business partner, but your wife. There are things and duties only a husband can provide." Nolan says with concern and fact.

"I'm fully aware." Telling him bluntly, The rest of the time, we talked about his business trip to Hawaii. 

{P.O.V. Jennifer Ross}

Today is Wednesday. I have decided to make Kendrick Ryans chase after me. Before I give him my answer. I need to know how badly he really wants this deal. This week, it has been working. I flirt a little, and I can see his responding to it. The only thing about my flirting was he hasn't really been flirting back. Maybe he was not used to the woman making the first move? Or maybe he doesn't know how to really flirt? Or maybe he's not serious about this deal. Like I thought he is? Cass keeps telling me not to give up. To see how far I can take it till he cracks. Then I will see how he truly feels about this deal and me. 

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