Chapter 2.

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One thing these people know is how to throw a party and damn was this some semester end party. I don't know whose house this is, but it's going to be be trashed in the morning.

Dave, my not-so-old older brother and I walk in and try finding our friends.

"Hey Denn, didn't know you were coming." Sasha winks while sipping her drink. I swear to god she never gets tired of chasing.

"Well now you do" Dave speaks before I could respond and pulls me to Roy and Tyler near the drinks. He was never one to tolerate clingy teenager looking girls from the beginning.

"Ayeee milllerrr boyysss" Roy slurs and we laugh at his already drunk state.

Tyler hands us our drinks and we thank him.

"Where are the others?" I ask, noticing that three of our friends weren't here.

"Here and there, hooking up, dancing, drunk, I don't know. You guys are late" he says.

"This one couldn't decide what shoes he wanted to wear" I say and smack Dave's arm.

He scoffs and then gets distracted by a girl who bumped into him. That was fast. Tyler rolls his eyes and I laugh.

"Wanna head to beer pong?" I ask Tyler and he nods.

Tyler is my best bud and honestly, the most mature from our group. We met on the first day of classes when we sat in the last row of seats in our Uni class. Judged people from the very back while the professor introduced the basics and we instantly clicked.

We reached the table and it was already occupied. I was going to ask these people to clear out when my eyes landed on the other two players. I sucked a breath. Long espresso hair, crop black hoodie and tight blue skinny jeans hugging her curves perfectly. Damn. She looked young, yet she looked mature enough out of all the college students here. She is definitely not from our university. The way she moves in those black heels and the way she holds the ball in hand, pecks it with her glossy plump lips and makes it land perfectly in a cup on the other side of the table makes my cock twitch. She would definitely know what to do with a cock in her hand.

Fuck, I need to get laid.

Tyler was about to ask these people to leave when I pulled him back and shook my head. He gave me a weird look but stayed. The ball landed in a cup on her side and she glared at the boy who threw it. Oooof. She picked up the drink and handed it to her partner who gulped it down. Ian. I've seen him play basketball at our University. He's the captain and pretty good. She then took her turn and scored. Hell in under the next 5 minutes, she won.

"You don't mess with me bruh", she stated to her opponent while leaving who just smirked.

When I stepped in front of that idiot his expression changed to terror and it was my turn to smirk. I motioned for him to leave and he left with the speed of lightning.

We took the table after them and Tyler eyed me while setting up fresh cups.


"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You waited 15 minutes for them to finish their game."


Tyler scoffs "So? Have you ever seen your patience level?"

Before I could say something he continued "-No, because it doesn't exist. Sooo..what was that?"

"Just watching a game, warming up you know," I shrugged.

"Yeah, totally." Tyler says as if he knew exactly why I waited. That fucker knows me too well for his own good.

Who was that girl? And more importantly why haven't I seen her before? Is she Ian's girlfriend? Wasn't Ian with this girl from his class? Damn now I sound like a gossip queen. 

We played the game for a while and after I won, we headed towards the couches where Roy was. James, Ashton and Ben were back from whatever they were doing before and sipping their drinks. Dave was probably with his older friends.

Sasha and her friend Julie were also here. Julie is Ben's girlfriend and pretty decent. Sasha though is something else.

We were all pretty drunk by the time the party started dying down and Sasha had only scooted closer to me. Sasha and I are from the same highschool and we hooked up once at a highschool party. Since then she is basically glued to me trying to repeat whatever happened.

Which is so not happening.

Sure she is pretty and smart. She is even nice to people if she wants to be but she has no limits of being a bitch and she can be damn evil. Our personalities aren't compatible and even if its just fucking, I would like to consider human behavior as well.

Dave comes back by the end of the night to take me home since it's his turn to drive. When we're heading towards the car he suddenly starts laughing and I look up to see what is so funny.

I see the girl from the beer pong game earlier dragging two drunk people towards a car. 

She is struggling to say the least.

I join Dave in his laughing fit.

The guy she's dragging sits in the middle of the drive way and she groans. She takes the girl to her car and settles her in and comes back for the guy. That's when I notice that she is dragging Ian. She then holds him by the ear and picks him up.

"OWWW WOMAN" Ian screams.

"SHUT UP SAUNDERS" she yells back and we don't hear a word from Ian after that.

We reach our car and buckle up.

"Who knew someone could boss around the basketball team captain like that?" Dave says and I laugh.

I still wanna know who she is and how she knows Ian.

Damn it.

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