Chapter 16.*

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Salty and sweet. Her skin is a mixture of salty and sweet and I cannot stop tasting her. This only makes me think what her juices would taste like.

Fuck. She would definitely be sweet.

Roya was still in between me and Jordan. I'm thankful for the lighting we asked for, otherwise none of this would've happened. 

I make eye contact with Jordan. His eyes holding the same hunger as mine. He nods at me and then leans down to Roya's ear.

"We should go," he whispers in her ear and her eyes shoot open. She pouts looking at me first and then turns to Jordan.

I chuckle at her neediness and Jordan smirks in amusement at her.

"We can continue this at your place," I add, my lips curling up at the ends.

Her eyes snap to mine and fuck she wants us too. She wants us as bad as we want her.

She nods and I step back, the warmth of her body immediately leaving me. She senses the same emptiness because she looks at my with a light frown.

Jordan moves his arm over her shoulder and steps next to Ian to say something. Some of the group has already gone home. Everyone is drunk so we'll probably take cabs and come back for the cars tomorrow. 

I find Roya and Jordan heading back towards me.

"I told Ian to take care of the rest, and called a cab for the group to the hotel they are staying at, Dave will take care of Roy and Ben so we can go now," Jordan fills me in and I nod back. The three of us head out a cab already waiting for us and we all take the backseat.

Roya hasn't said anything since we broke apart and that worries me more than I'd like to accept. 

Is she regretting this already?

Just then I feel a hand on my left thigh and I look down to see Roya with both her hands on Jordan's and my thigh. I look up at her and she gives me a nervous smile. 

She's reassuring me.

Gosh she's perfect.

She turns her head back to face the front. Jordan kisses the side of her head, lingering his lips there and whispering, "you've got nothing to be nervous about, we want you Roya."

Roya exhales a breath she must've been holding.

Words. She needs words.

"Yeah Roya," I whisper from her other side, "We want you just as much as you want us, probably more," I try to ease her, squeezing the hand she has on me. She gives us a grateful smile.

We reach her apartment building and get out after I pay the driver way too much than what I was supposed to. Earning a glare from Roya that only makes me chuckle. 

She's adorable.

We head straight into the elevator. Jordan pressing the 7th floor button way too many times than what was necessary. We're all fidgeting. We need to hold each other. We need to hold her. But we know if we start here, we won't be able to enter the apartment.

After the torturous elevator ride, we rush towards their door. Our speed making Roya laugh. 

The sound pumping blood into my heart.

She's barefoot but still slower. They should move to something on a ground floor. 

Roya had barely opened the door when I pinned her to wall near the entryway. In the next moment my lips were on hers and nothing else mattered. The world can go fuck itself, all I need is this moment. Her soft lips move with mine like practiced moves. I hold her jaw with one hand and squeeze her ass with the other making her gasp into my mouth. Taking advantage, I shove my tongue into her mouth, dominating her. She tastes like whiskey and cake and I'm fucking high on it.

AMOUROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora