Chapter 1.

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No response.



"I swear I'll burn that speaker if I hear this song one more time!" I yell going out of my room to look for Ian and some coffee.

"Good morning to you too!". He shouts over the music from the kitchen. I LOVE Post Malone but there's a limit to how many times you can listen to 'sunflower', not for Ian apparently.

I pour myself some dark liquid from the coffee machine and join Anna on the average size balcony of our average sized apartment. She smiles and asks "Is this how we're going to wake up everyday this summer?"

"Not if we fry that thing!" I yell trying to get my words through Ian's thick skull.

She laughs and points towards the croissants in front of her. I smile wide and dig in trying my hardest to get the song playing on full volume in the living room out of my mind.

All three of us are from Toronto, currently studying in different universities in Vancouver. We've been together since maybe middle school? Maybe before that too? No, we're not just three loners, the rest of our small squad is spread out in Toronto, Kelowna and Halifax. Gosh I miss them all so much. We're all like a little family who bumped into each other at the right time. We've been together since grade 8th I believe and it has been a fun ride to say the least.

Being a single child, Ian is the closest thing I have to a brother. He knows every single thing about me and I'm guessing Anna knows them too since he cannot keep anything from her. Anna is his girlfriend and part of our little gang. She's studying business along with Ian at UBC while I am studying makeup at Blanche Macdonald. 

It's the end of the semester summer break but we don't have any plans to go home because our friends from Halifax couldn't make it due to some road trip with their housemates and so the plan died down completely. We're still working our usual jobs though but it's good to have a light schedule for once. Ian works on campus in the tech section of the library while Anna babysits whenever convenient. I'd count it a full time job since me and Ian are practically kids she needs to handle all the time. Lastly, I work at a coffee shop in Gastown.

"There's this party today before everyone leaves for home, wanna join us?" Ian asks, strolling into the balcony and picking up a croissant from the plate.

"To get your drunk asses back home Saunders?" I reply.

Ian chuckles, "That too, Anderson". Yup. We call each other by our last names. It's something we have been doing for a while now, don't remember how it started.

"Sureee" I say with fake excitement. Anna just laughs and continues to sip her tea. She's an amazing person and I love her. Anna, Jennifer and I are best friends and the only girls in this group full of testosterone. Now that I remember, these idiots only talked to me in the beginning to get to know Jennifer. Ouch.

"You're doing my makeup" Anna announces.

"And you're doing my hair," I announced back.

"DEAL" she agrees and we shake hands on it.

Ian shakes his head in amusement before speaking "I don't know why you guys even ask each other, it's always the same ritual". We shush him and he just scoffs.

In the evening once Anna and I are ready with her in a dark green skin tight dress and me in skinny jeans and a black crop hoodie, we do our makeup and hair as decided. I do a graphic liner look on her and nude shadows for me. She curls her hair and then straightens mine. We whistle looking at each other, slip on our heels and head out in the living room to meet Ian sitting on the coffee table.

"We have a couch you know?" Anna says when she reaches near him.

Ian looks up from his phone and just stares at her in adoration and I couldn't help but smile at this cute as fuck moment.

"Fucking. Gorgeous." Ian said and kissed Anna who was caught off guard and fell on the couch behind her.

And this was my cue to get the hell out of here. I step out of the apartment and head down to the lobby greeting our guard Robert who is the sweetest 45-year-old gentleman. He is who we come running to when we have literally any problem in the apartment and he never declines.

"You look beautiful, miss. As always." Robert mentions and I smile thinking how he always compliments Anna and me.

"Aww thank you Robert, night duties again?" I frown remembering he has a 12 year old daughter and a beautiful wife who keeps sending us cookies whenever possible to go home to.

"Yes, but the company is looking for a new person for nights so that I only work in day time." he smiles.

"That's good, finally you'll have a fixed time." We chat a little more until Ian and Anna join us and we head out for the party.

As we drive up to this HUGE mansion in West Vancouver, I look at it in awe. I'm a sucker for pinterest aesthetics and this was a beautiful view. Ian hands me the keys to his Mercedes because we know he's gonna be too drunk to even open a car door.

"Now, Anderson." Ian says turning around with Anna on his side to face me before walking up to the gates.

I look at him with a raised brow. Here comes the over-protective brother talk. 

"No alcohol. No smoking. No drugs. No boys. No-" he pauses thinking.

"-actually, I don't mind girls. Also, no grinding." he finishes with a satisfied sigh.

"Really?" I say looking at him as if he just explained a chemical equation to me.

"Yes." he replies firmly.

"Ugh whatever, you're drinking my cups if we play beer pong then." I say pushing past him and a laughing Anna who tried very hard to stay quite.

As we step inside, it doesn't smell like cheap beer and cigarette smokes in here. It was more of an upgrade to parties but still had the touch of drunk dancers and makeout sessions in it.

Ian meets a few people along with Anna. I am guessing they are their University friends. Actually scratch that. Ian literally met everyone on our way to the kitchen. Perks of being a Basketball player I guess. 

I fill my cup with water while Ian makes his and Anna's drink. Just then a blonde girl walks in, waves at Ian and literally drags a laughing Anna out of the kitchen.

"Guess its you and me for a while now." Ian stands by my side and sighs.

"Heyyy, you love my company." I say in fake hurt.

"Sure" he replies sipping his drink.

"Lets play you idiot." I pull him to a beer pong table that just got empty.

"Anderson, you're not even drinking." He narrows his eyes at me.

Just then two guys around our age head to the other side of the table.

"Shall we?" The one in the leather jacket says pointing to the cups. He's hot to say the least. A little too cocky for me but a great view for the eyes. His rebel look and black eyes add up but doesn't satisfy my heart.

As if you satisfy his.

"We shall." I say setting our side while Ian just scoffs.

I can we competitive sometimes, looking at the two figures on the other side of the table, this is going to be a heck of a competition. 

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