Chapter 25.

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After we gave our orders and the waitress left, I quickly changed the topic to move on.

"What are we doing after this?" I rest my face on my right hand that was resting on the table.

"Well we're near a beach, might as well go there," Denver shrugs and I smile agreeing.

"She loves the beach," Jordan tells him, "she would hardly ever go in the water but she likes to just sit there and take in the view," he explains.

He has been with me for long enough to know me well.

"I used to drag him with me back home to drive me to a beach because-"

"You don't like driving," Jordan smirks finishing my sentence.

"You don't like driving?" Denver asks, confused.

"Nopes. I only do it if I really have to. I like to be on the passenger seat more. I don't know, it's just what I've liked since forever," I explain with a small smile on my face.

"This reminds me of the first night I saw you. That's the only time I saw you drive," Denver chuckles, looking down.

"Night?" I frown, "but we met at the University?" I question, tilting my head to the side.

"We met that day," he agrees, "but I first saw you at this semester end party," he chuckles, remembering.

"Why does it sound like whatever you saw me doing was funny?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"Oh it was," he agrees, not further sharing.

"Tell me, come on," I almost whine.

"Please," I pout and Jordan laughs at my method of extracting information.

"Well first you beat two guys in beer pong," he tells me something I already knew and I give a proud smile at the memory.

"They were amateurs," I flip my hair, playfully making them laugh lightly.

"And then later I saw you dragging a drunk Anna and Ian," he couldn't help but laugh at the memory.

"Ughh he was the worst that night," I groan, covering my face with my hand.

"Tell me what Ian did, or better tell me what Roya did to him,"  Jordan asks, clearly wanting any dirt on him.

"He was so drunk that Roya had to pull him by the ear to shut him up and get to the car, she was furious!" Denver laughs and Jordan and I laugh with him.

Our order came and we ate up everything, sharing bits and pieces here and there. I took this time to think what we were. Three casual friends having lunch? Three friends with benefits? Can we even call ourselves a couple? I know I care about these two people and love them. Sure not the intense love but it's there. But then this thought hit me, that what if the two of them don't like me? What if they're just not into me, rather the experience they get from it?

Once we were finished Jordan asked for dessert but I declined. He gave me a weird look but I brushed it off saying I'm too full.

We walked to the beach in the front of the restaurant and just stood there.

It was still sunny but the water looked so pretty under it.

"It's beautiful," I blurted out, not able to stop myself.

"Yeah," Denver sighs.

"Yes, it is," Jordan adds.

I turn to look at them on my either side and find them looking at me. Their eyes soft and lighter under the sunlight.

"It is," I agreed, looking at them and they both fucking blushed.

"Are you two," I stop myself, not able to hide my smile and then continue, "you both are blushing."

They both turn their faces and fix their eyes on the water, trying really hard not to blush but oh damn, I've seen it now.

"Oh my god, I made that happen?" I laugh.

"Shut up Anderson, guys don't get compliments okay?" Jordan tells me.

"Who said I complimented you guys?" I ask and both of their head snap at this.

"She really loves trouble," Denver raises a brow at Jordan and I roll my eyes at their way of talking as if I'm not here.

"And she rolled her eyes again, she loves trouble," Jordan muses.

"Shushh," I drag my hand down my face but couldn't stop the smile. These two can start anywhere.

We then walk up to drier sand and sit down. My head was on Jordan's shoulder who was playing with my hair and my left hand was in Denver's lap who was rubbing circles on its back with his thumb . It was peaceful.

I couldn't ruin this with my overthinking. So I asked what was bothering me.

10 minutes into the silence I spoke up, "guys?"

And received hums from them, telling me to go on.

"What are we?" I closed my eyes, not wanting to ruin the view with this conversation.

They both stopped their movements. No one spoke for a while and so I opened my eyes to look at them. They were looking in the front with their foreheads creased so I eased it for them by continuing.

"Let me ask you this, do you both really want whatever is going on?"

"Yes," they say in unison.

"Are you guys only in it for.." I think of a word that is less offensive, but rip the bandage of by just saying what came first in my mind, "for the sex?" My eyes automatically pinch shut.

"Roya.." Jordan moves his hand behind my head and hold it by the hair, "we want you, no, we need you and only you."


"No, listen to us first," Denver cuts me off, intertwining our hands, "yes the sex was damn good but that's not what pulls us. It's you. We want all of you Roya, every fucking inch, every fucking day," he squeezes my hand and I squeeze it back.

"You can call us whatever you want to but at the end of the day we're yours and only yours," Jordan states with so much honesty in his voice.

"And you're ours, only ours," Denver finishes, kissing the back of my hand.

"Got it?" He questions.

"Yes," I nod, a small smile on my face.

"Good girl," Denver says with a smug face, making my throat dry.

"Come on, get up," Jordan moves and gets up himself.

"What? But we just sat here?" I frown.

"Get up Roya," He commands and I turn to Denver to see him already standing.

"But where-"

"Damn it Roya, if you don't get up we'll need to fuck you in the public restroom and I don't think that would be convenient. So get your ass up before I carry you on my shoulder in front of all these people," Jordan calmly states and my eyes widen. I quickly get up, hoping no one heard him and follow them to the car.

"But Anna and Ian are home," I tell them.

"We're going to my hotel," Jordan says and opens the door for me while Denver takes the driver's seat. Instead of going to sit in the passenger seat, Jordan takes the seat next to me.

Oh no. Not again.

"Do you guys have a list or something? That you need to do the same things?" I ask, both of them clearly understanding what I'm hinting at but not saying anything as Denver pulls out of the parking lot.

"It's getting repetitive you know?" I say again.

This makes Jordan turn to me and Denver raises his brow in the rear view mirror.

"We'll show you new things Roya, or better yet, make you feel new things," Jordan smirks and pulls me on his lap.


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