Chapter 21.

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After dropping everyone at the airport I received a text from Roya.

Can you pick me up please?

Yeah, I'm on my way.

And so I dropped Anna at the University where she and Ian can get busy in case Roya wanted some time to herself at home.

As I pull up in front of the cafe and park my car, I can already see Roya sitting by the high table in front of the window. She has her face squished in her hands as it rests on them. I head inside, nodding at Lana who smiles softly at me and then motions towards Roya.

"Hey, let's go," I say, making her jump in her seat which causes me to chuckle. She smiles, shaking her head and gets off the chair. Picking up a box that was lying in front of her.

"Are those brownies?" I ask, opening the door for her.

"Yeah," she nods, raising a brow, already knowing I want some, "not for you," she adds, walking towards the car.

"Then who?" I frown, now opening the car door for her. 

"Someone special?" she question more so and sits in her seat, leaving me confused.  

The drive to her apartment is spent in comfortable silence. Roya just looked out of the window while I just drove and kept glancing at her in between. I didn't want to put her in the spot here, we'll talk when she's home. 

I park my car in the building's guest parking and we head inside. Once we reach the lobby, Roya moves towards Robert and I instantly understand why.

"Hey Robert," she chirps.

"Hello Roya, belated happy birthday," he smiles at her, "Jordan," he nods at me and I nod back.

"I brought you brownies," she hands him the box.

He laughs and takes it, "this is going to feel like a barter," he says.

"What?" Roya asks, confused.

"Here are your cookies, my wife made them for the birthday girl," Robert smiles and Roya's face lights up.

"Aww, thank her please, and share the brownies," Roya says, making us laugh. We say our goodbyes and head up.

Once inside the apartment, Roya heads to the kitchen getting a glass of milk and sits on the couch in the living room, opening the packet she just received while I followed her around.

I take the seat next to her and just watch her. She's sitting cross legged, facing me. The packet of cookies in her lap and the glass of milk in her hand. Her hair are tied up in a ponytail and she's wearing a navy blue t-shirt dress with denim shorts that are peeking from under it slightly. 

She looks up at me, in between chewing her first cookie and offers me the packet which I deny with the shake of my head,

"Roya," I sigh and she hums.

"Talk to me?" I feel bad interrupting her eating cookies but we need to talk.

She swallows the bite and looks me in the eyes. I cannot read her, she masks her pain well but all these years have told me that talking it out helps her.

"Dad called yesterday," she starts in a low voice and then clears her throat, "he- mom- him-" she tries to find the words but couldn't. 

"Take your time babe, tell me what you want to tell me," I say.

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