Chapter 48.

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As soon as I woke up in the morning. I did not care if I disturbed any of the two while getting out of bed, I rushed out to get ready because we were going to the fucking Wonderland. Call me a kid but that place just makes me so happy.

I got ready and came out of the room to see Denver gone and Jordan still sleeping. With a few hard pats on his back he woke up and went to get ready. It was 9 am when I got downstairs and was surprised to see Dave and mom talking to each other as if they were deep into a serious topic. When they heard me coming, they looked up and smiled at me. 

"Morning," I kissed my mom's cheek and ruffled Dave's hair. 

"Dude, not fair," He grumbled and we laughed as he tried setting his hair back again. 

"You made breakfast?" I asked, turning to mom. 

"Yeah, Pancakes. Sit," she commands and I sit next to Dave. 

While I start eating my pancakes, the others join us as well. Anna being the last one as usual. We all keep it as light as we can when it comes to pancakes but full enough to cover for our car ride. Once we're done, Anna and I apply our sunscreens, keeping the bottles with us and divide ourselves in the cars. 

We switched it up a little this time so Denver got in with Ian and Anna and Dave got in with Jordan and me. 

"And it's time for 2021 playlist," I announced connecting my phone to the car just as Jordan followed Ian's car out of the drive way. 

Cage the Elephant's Cigarette Daydreams plays and I sink in my seat with a satisfied groan. 


"So this is your favourite," Jordan smirks, still driving. 

"Current, yes," I nod, my eyes closed as I take in the song. 

"What were you and mom talking about when I got down," I ask Dave, turning just a little to him. 

"Big people stuff," I can hear the smile in his voice as he leans forward. 

"Uh-huh," I nod, sounding very convinced by his answer. 

"So, Dave," This time I fully twist, giving him a very big grin.

"Why do I feel like I'm the prey this car ride," Dave points out and I chuckle. 

"Because you are," Jordan laughs. 

"Any girls we don't know about?" I raise my brow at him and I'm pretty sure I say a second of panic in his eyes. 

"No," he lies straight through his teeth. 

"Boys?" I tilt my head a little. 

"No," he deadpans, telling the truth this time. 

"Hmm," I know he won't tell anything right now but I'll keep trying. 

When we reached the Wonderland parking lot, we've talked about everything we could, sang like idiots, talked about A quite place 2 and what not. We were currently on a speaker call with the members of the other car to find parking spots. 

"This place is packed," Ian sighs from the other side, his car in front of us.

"But it's 11 in the morning?" Denver says and I imagine creases in his forehead. 

"Exactly," Anna whines, "We're an hour late. The place opens at 10 and people start getting in lines way earlier than that," she huffs. 

"Didn't know this was that big of a deal," Dave mutters from our side and Jordan, me, Ian and Anna all scoff at the same time. 

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