Chapter 27.

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After lying there in silence for about fifteen minutes, Denver gets up,

"I'll start the bath," he nods at Jordan who hums.

"What? No, a shower will be faster," I try but Denver was already out of the room.

"Shut up Anderson, you can't even get up right now, how are you going to stand in the shower," Jordan says in his 'you know I'm right' tone. 

"Ugh, fine," I groan and sit up, Jordan follows me after wearing his shorts and sits up in front of me too.

I give him a lazy smile, I'm sure I look like a fucking disaster right now.

"C'mere," he holds his arms out and helps me straddle him, wrapping my legs around him as he wraps his arms around me.

I place my head on his chest and sigh listening to his heart beat. It's so calm. He kisses my hair before resting his chin over it.

"Did you talk?" he asks.

"To who?" my brows furrow in confusion, even though he can't see me.

"Your dad," he says softly, knowing this is a hard subject. 

"No, but I'm thinking of calling mom today," I tell him.

"That's good," his hold on me tightens. 

"You think I can talk to Denver about it?" I question after some time.

"Yeah, he should know," he says, rubbing circles on my back making me realize that I'm naked.

I try to move out of his hold to wrap something around me but he's stubborn as fuck.

"What are you doing?" He asks after I stop moving.

"Trying to move," I say in a duh tone.


"I'm naked," I say, embarrassed.

"So?" He asks as if he doesn't get it.

"Let me wear something you idiot," I try to move again, but nothing.

"Are you cold?" he asks.



"I don't know?!" I snap, getting irritated.

"Anderson, what the fuck are you embarrassed about?" Jordan asks, his tone is sharp but calm.

"I just- just give me the blanket. Please." I sound defeated. 

He sighs and moves, making me relieved that he has dropped the subject and will finally cover me. I forgot how stubborn he was because the next thing I know, he's scooping me in his arms and leaving the room, carrying me bridal style.

"Williams, where are you going?! I'm fucking naked!" I panic. He's fucking crazy.

"I don't care," he scoffs.

Just as we step near the door to the washroom, the door opens revealing a freshly showered Denver in shorts, drying his hair.

"What's happening?" Denver looks at us, tilting his head in confusion.

"Roya's insecure," Jordan says and bends down to land my feet on the wooden floor.

"I never said I was insecure," I say through gritted teeth as I stand next to him, his arm on my sides, holding me.

"What about?" Denver asks, completely ignoring my statement as he looks at Jordan.

"Her body," Jordan tells him. 

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