Chapter 27 : [Jungkook's Eyes 5]

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"What do you want to talk about, Mr. Bae?" Jungkook asked as he walked over to the sofa where Chairman Bae and Manager Yoo were waiting for him. The man took a brief breath before finally landing himself on the sofa.

"Explain everything to me, why are you with a girl and why are you in Canada now?!" exclaimed Soogeun. His face that was already creepy was now even more creepy because of the anger that enveloped him.

"I'm here on vacation." Jungkook answered lazily but his eyes were very sharp towards Soogeun.

"You promised me only in London and you went here without telling me?! Do you know a lot of news circulating that endanger the agency because of you?!"

Jungkook looked away. Really, he was lazy to discuss about it now.

"And you, as the manager why don't you stop Jungkook from coming here, huh?! Luckily I'm on a business trip here so I can meet him right away!" snapped Soogeun at Sijin who sighed heavily.

"Don't blame Manager Yoo. He's innocent of this. I forced him to come here!" Jungkook answered who started to get emotional because Soogeun scolded Sijin.

Soogeun rubbed his face roughly and endured an angry growl, "You have to go back to Korea, now!"

"I don't want to,"

"Jungkook," Sijin reprimand him.

"I still want to be here. I'm not ready to sing anymore,"

"Not ready you say?! Explain to me why this video got out!" shouted Soogeun again, throwing his phone on the table. Jungkook held his breath when he saw the video singing in Hyesung's cafe.

"Should you come back or should I threaten you?" asked Soogeun sarcastically.

Jungkook tried to calm down when he heard that. He was used to getting threats, but not again after hearing his connection with Aera.

"I will find the identity of the girl who is with you and spread it to social media. Your fanatical fans must do anything to terrorize that girl. She's nothing, Jungkook. It's easy for me to destroy her," said Soogeun making Jungkook furious. The man rose to his feet about to beat Soogeun if only Sijin didn't hold him back.

"Jungkook, come on! Calm yourself!" Sijin said while holding Jungkook's body shaking with anger.

"Don't ever touch that girl!" Jungkook exclaimed.

Soogeun chuckled, "I won't touch her, if you want to go back to Korea and go back to work."


"I'll give you five minutes from now to make a decision. Stay here, or go back to Korea!"

Jungkook sat down, emotions exhausting his body. His eyes were red and his breath was short. His fists were tightly clenched and if they hadn't been held back, they would have landed on the annoying Soogeun's face.

The man closed his eyes and took a deep breath. For Aera, he had to do it.

"I'm going back to Korea, tomorrow afternoon."


Jungkook is confused, really. He couldn't imagine his life without Aera again this time. Returning to Korea and working isn't what Jungkook wants to do. In the evening before that night he cleaned up his clothes, helped by Sijin. He looks depressed.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook. I can't help it," said Sijin while sighing and putting some clothes into Jungkook's suitcase.

Jungkook, who had been sitting silently holding his favorite scarf, turned to his manager. He himself felt bad for Sijin for trying to protect him. The manager could be in danger of being fired.

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