Chapter 17

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The sunshine this morning was quite dazzling, keeping me awake from my sleep. I blinked and slowly opened mine. The first thing I felt was weird. I looked around and I immediately concluded this is not my bedroom. Slowly I heard the sound of something being sauteed, making me realize what happened last night. But how can I fall asleep here? I slowly moved and followed into the kitchen. I saw the man was sauteing something. The aroma was so delicious, it made my stomach churn in the morning.

"Can you cook?" I asked walking closer to him.

Jungkook turned his head and smiled faintly, "The cooking will be finished soon. I hope you will be patient."

I'm quite stunned.

This is a side of him that I never knew about.

Jungkook looks normal after last night's incident which made his trauma reappear. Jungkook who is scared and looks depressed, is now a different person. I saw his thin smile again this morning. Somehow, I miss his smile once again.

"I didn't think you could cook, Mr. Jeon," I said as he turned off the electric stove and picked up his food.

"Because you've never seen me cook," Jungkook replied. He brought a plate containing his cooking to the dining table. There are two portions of food that he provides.

"For me?" I asked him to which he answered with a nod. He smiled again.

"Enjoy your meal!" he said then began to eat his food. I just paused at Jungkook's attitude. As if he couldn't remember how scared he had been last night, showing me that he was strong and fine. But that's too much. His friendly attitude this morning was too much because this wasn't the usual Jungkook. There is something he is hiding.

"Jung," I called. He raised his head and chewed.

"Are you all right today?" I asked carefully. I don't want to make the situation uncomfortable.

"Yes. As you can see." He returned to focus on eating again.

"About your trauma last night, ... are you okay now?"

Jungkook fell silent and stopped his activities. His smiling face had now disappeared, replaced by his flat and annoyed face.

Damn, I spoke wrong!

"Sorry," I said trying to soften my voice, "It's not good to cover up as if you were okay," I replied again.

Jungkook lifted his head and put down his spoon and chopsticks. He looked at me with a look that was quite creepy for me.

"I'm fine. As you can see. Could you not bring up yesterday's matters?" he said. He also stood up irritated and walked into his room. Aish! Why do I even talk like that when I already know that Jungkook is a sensitive person?!

"Jung!" I exclaimed following him to the room. He was seen sitting with his back to me on the edge of the bed.

"Jung, I'm just worried about you. Please don't be angry, OK?" I said in a soft voice to coax him. Ah, he's like a child. Why is Jungkook this morning? He's weird.

A long silence enveloped us until finally Jungkook slowly turned around and glanced at me.

"Did I look pathetic last night just because of the broken glass?"

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