Chapter 4

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"Oh God!" Helena shouted behind me when she saw Jungkook. I quickly approached the man and knelt nearby. I lifted his head and put it on my arm.

"Jungkook! Jungkook, wake up!" I shouted in panic, gently hitting his cheek.

"Alice, calm down. I'll get my doctor's equipment first!" she said then left me to go to her house. Ah, I almost forgot if my new friend was a doctor!

I tried to resuscitate Jungkook again. His temple was injured quite large because he fell on the corner of the stairs. And the broken glass, I concluded, came from a flower vase on a table near the stairs. This man might accidentally nudged him. Shortly thereafter Helena returned with her doctor's equipment.

"We take him to the room," she ordered. The two of us carried Jungkook with difficulty towards the top floor with a narrow staircase, then put him on the bed.

Helena swiftly opened her bag and pulled out a stethoscope. As she examined Jungkook, I looked for the man's phone. My thinking is that he is now alone here and at least there are relatives who know how he is here. Finally I found Jungkook's phone on the table in the dining room. I reach for it and hope the phone is unlocked. And fortunately, the Goddess Fortuna sided with me.

I began to operate his phone and looked for a name that was roughly the brother of this man. My eyes are fixed on one name on the screen - Jimin. Without hesitation I immediately pressed the green sign and waited for an answer. Shortly thereafter came the answer from across.

"Jungkook! Where have you been all this time?! Why did you just contact me?!" he shouted from across with the typical sound of people waking up.

"He-hello, is this really a Jungkook family?" I asked nervously.

There was a long silence from there then he answered, "I am his friend. Who are you and why is his phone available to you?"

"Please forgive me beforehand. Jungkook is now in a small accident. He fell down the stairs and now he's unconscious," I replied.

"WHAT?!" he exclaimed with a little screaming that almost blew my ears.

"Like this. I'll send this address to you and I hope you come here soon. He is alone and I think he needs friends or family," I said to this man named Jimin

"You're not cheating right?!" Jimin asked.

"Do I look like I'm playing now, Mister?" I replied no less seriously.

"Alright! Hurry and send it to me!" he exclaimed then turned off the connection. Then, I sent Jungkook's home address to his contact. I went back to the room and saw Helena was treating the wound on Jungkook's head.

"How is it?" I asked.

"He has anemia, fatigue, stomach and intestinal infections, and I think he's also insomnia," Helena answered, making me chuckle.

"Wow, how come that guy has complications, huh?" I asked in surprise and sat on the couch in this man's room.

"I think he was stressed and depressed. So that affected his health very badly," Helena said. The girl began to cover the wound with gauze and bandaged a little. Then she gave an infusion to Jungkook. I myself was surprised how the IV bag was in her bag which in fact was special at the hospital.

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