Chapter 14

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I was stunned when I heard that man's strange confession.

Miss me, he said?!

"Don't joke," I said displeasingly. His sweet words won't melt my heart anymore.

"Was my arrival here a joke?" Jungkook replied, still with eyes staring at me intensely.

"You have nothing to do, huh, so you have to follow me to Toronto?"

"It's not there because I'm still on vacation."

I grieved then walked again leaving him. Since when was Jungkook so good at talking now? I heard footsteps behind me that I could tell Jungkook was following me.

"Stop following me, sir!" I exclaimed irritated that five minutes had passed and he was still faithful behind me. He just kept quiet and looked at me when I turned to him. I returned to continue my path as well as him.

"Sir, why do you keep following me, huh? You can take a taxi back to where you live, can't you?" I said irritably with the behavior of the man who is now very annoying because he was just silent.

"I forgot my way back to the apartment," he replied, which almost made me scream, between shock and irritation. I stopped my steps and turned my body to face Jungkook. The man also stopped.

To my surprise, Jungkook now lives in Toronto by renting an apartment unit. And the annoyance is why did he get here if he forgot his way home?!

"So how did you get to this park all this time, huh?!"

He glanced around him to avoid making eye contact with me. Jungkook is now a completely innocent man. He also hadn't said sorry for his words that hurt my heart at that time, he acted at me as if nothing had happened. Very annoying!

"What? Why are you avoiding eye contact with me?" I asked again, still annoyed. Slowly but surely, Jungkook uttered a confession that almost made me want to hit him.

"I was following you a long time ago, but I didn't expect it would come this far," Jungkook admitted, "My phone runs out of battery and I can't open the map. I also don't trust taxi drivers easily, so I don't want to take a taxi alone."

I gaped at the man in front of me. Speechless. I sighed heavily and squeezed the bridge of my nose.

"Why can you follow me?" I ask carefully now. I'm tired of being angry.

"Where I live now is close to where you work. When I came out of the apartment, I saw you coming out of there. So I followed you because I wanted to meet you," Jungkook replied again which made me flabbergasted again.

How does he know that I work in that publication?! I tried to open my memory back when we were in London, looking for information in my memory whether I ever gave the full address of my workplace.

"You're a stalker?!" I exclaimed again.

"When it comes to you, I think so,"

God, kill me now!

"I know where you work from the novel Taehyung brought at that time," Jungkook said again which made me pause again. Blame Taehyung why he brought the novel!

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