Chapter Thirty-One

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Aw look how young nom look at the side/top.

It's the end of January and here I am listening to Merry Christmas, Kiss My Ass *insert sunglasses-wearing emoji here*



Chapter Thirty One:

Tom's POV;

It was Monday again and that mean I could no longer lie in bed and feel sorry for myself; I could finally go and tell Charlie that the bet was over. I had to do it now, or else I would never end up calling it off and then I would be in too deep with Nathan and shit was bound to go down.

I just hoped that Nathan wouldn't find out about this bet; I hoped I could just sweep it under the carpet and act like I was none the wiser that a bet even occurred in the first place.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I send Charlie a quick message telling him to meet me behind the school before half-past eight. Thankfully school was only a five minute walk for me so by the time I walked into school and to the back of the school building where I told Charlie to meet me, which he was already stood there waiting for me.

"What do you want, Parker? You're not here to pussy out of the bet are you?" I physically cringed at not just his vulgar-ness but how what he had just said was true: I was, in his exact words, pussying out of the bet.

No, I was doing what was right - I was saving Nathan from heartbreak.

I couldn't look him in the eyes so my gaze flickered from my shoes, to the large fields that were less than a hundred yards from me. "I- It's just..." I bit my lip as I looked up at him before I looked away again. "I can't do it anymore it was stupid - I was stupid to agree with it. I really like Nathan, okay?"

"So what are you telling me?" I could tell he was angry just by the tone of his voice, I didn't dare look up now as I feared what his facial expression would be like: his eyebrows were most likely furrowed; fists clenched to his sides; his jaw would be clenched too.

"I'm calling it off," I spoke, this time I looked up at him and a sudden rush of confidence washed over me but soon withdrew from me, just one peek at Charlie and I felt so small, so timid and frail. "The bet, I don't want to do it anymore."

Charlie chuckled, but it was anything but humorous, it was more sinister. (Could chuckles even be sinister?)

"You aren't getting out of it that easy, you have to go through with it now. It's too late."

I shook my head. "No, I can't - I won't!"

My confidence was back again but I was unsure if it was because the adrenaline that had seeped into my blood stream or because I had finally found my voice; maybe it was both.

A smirk appeared on his face as he looked over at something behind me, there was an evil glint in his eye. "You won't, what, Tom? C'mon tell me, what is it that you don't want to do?"

I was confused, was he being serious right now?

"The bet! I can't do it Charlie, I can't do that to him." I was becoming breathless now, I didn't know if it was due to the anger in my system or how tiring it was repeating myself. Maybe it had to do with all the emotions - all the anxiety, the stress, the guilt - that I felt all wrapped into one as I thought of the outcomes that this stupid, stupid bet would and will bring. The pain was inevitable, there were no two ways about it and just thinking about it made me feel like I was barely able to keep my head above water, the slightest little weight and I would plummet down into oblivion of the unknown that existed in the depths of the ocean. "I can't do that to Nathan, Charlie, please I don't want to do the bet anymore."

"What bet?" I heard a soft voice speak from behind me and my heart stopped.

If I felt like I was barely swimming before then now I was definitely drowning; the water filling up my lungs as my oxygen supply slowly cut out.

I turned around and - as cliche as it sounded - my heart shattered as I saw what caused the evil glint in Charlie's eye: it was Nathan.


Oooooh, shit is going down son!

I just read over this and the amount of typo's there were is unbelievable lol can you tell that I was half asleep whilst I wrote this?

My wifi on my laptop is finally working so I was able to update before I fell asleep so I hope you all enjoyed this! So did any of you expect what has just happened? I tried to make it as least predictable as possible but idk if that worked out well...

Predictions for the next chapter?

Only four chapters left (⊙︿⊙✿)

I am obssessed with kawaii faces atm I blame tumblr for this!

Did you see Nathan's tweet about monday??? I think that it's something to do with new music! Omg I am so excite!

What do you guys think it could be?

Hope you're all well :) - Talia x

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