Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty:

Nathan's POV:

I groaned when I heard my alarm go off, I reluctantly got out of bed and switched off my alarm. At least it was Friday, I reminded myself. Since I didn't have a shower last night I decided to shower today, maybe it'd help clear my head. I grabbed a clean pair of underwear before I walked into the bathroom which was literally just next door to my room, once I was inside I locked the door and switched on the shower. Stripping out of my clothes I carefully placed them to the side where they wouldn't get wet, I didn't feel like waiting for the water to cool down I just stepped in.

I winced at the burning sensation of the water on my skin but soon I got used to it and it became soothing to me. It felt almost as if the water was massaging my skin however, it didn't clear my thoughts. It made them worse; the water didn't seem so relaxing anymore. I placed my hands on the wall and closed my eyes.

Breathe, I chided to myself.

I shook my head and told myself I was just being stupid, I couldn't let this get to me. Tom was a dick and I was just an idiot for falling right into his trap. I made sure I thoroughly washed my hair and body before I got out. I dried myself off and changed into my boxers before changing into my school uniform in my bedroom. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where my mum was making toast.

"Do you want some toast Nath?" She asked and I shook my head. "Do you want something else then?"

I shook my head again and she sighed.

"You have to eat something darling, I don't want you to starve it's not healthy. You aren't skipping meals on purpose are you?" Her voice became softer at the end of her sentence and I frantically shook my head, I didn't want her getting the wrong idea.

"No of course not mum, I promise." She smiled but I don't think she believed me. "I just feel a bit sick s'all, don't worry I'll get something at lunch I'll be fine."

"Now I have to go, I said I'd meet up with Jay early. I'll see you later mum." I kissed her on the cheek and quickly said a goodbye to Jess before picking up my bag and left.

* * *

It was now lunch time, I had suffered through four incredibly slow and draining lessons and finally I was able to relax for about an hour until I had to soldier on through another lesson before I could go home. The half-term holidays were coming up soon and I couldn't wait to emerge myself into sleeping until 11 'o' clock and lazing about all day - after all, that's what holidays are for. I quickly wolfed down my sandwich and then made my way to library to spend the rest of my lunchtime; one, to get away from Jay being all lovey-dovey with his girlfriend, two, to get away from Tom staring at me and three, to be able to read my book in a place filled with quietness and peace.

I sat down in the wooden chair, grabbing my book from my bag and left it on the table. I sighed in content as the beautiful silence surrounded me, it was complete opposite of in the canteen where it was filled with teens shouting and screaming. I opened up my book and turned to the page where I left my bookmark, I took it out and began reading getting lost into the fictional world.

If only my life was a fairytale like in books.

* * *

Tom's POV:

"Hey, Tom! House party at mine tonight, you coming?" Siva asked and I shrugged.

"I dunno" I paused as I noticed that Nathan caught me staring at him. "I'm not really feeling well, I'll see how I feel later."

"Not like you to turn down a party, mate." Max chucked dryly. "Are you alright?"

"No, I feel a bit sick actually. I think I'm going to see the nurse." I lied, giving the other lads a small smile. I could see Max was concerned but I gently squeezed his shoulder as I got up.

Honestly, I wasn't going to the nurse. I was going to find Natahan.

It didn't take much to find him, I knew he'd either be in the library or the year 11 common room which hardly anyone used. I decided to go to the library first as that was my best bet. I could feel my phone vibrating in my pant pocket but ignored it, it was most likely Max asking if I was alright. I pushed open the double brown heavy doors and scanned round at the room. I couldn't see him at first but I remembered that every time Nath is in here he's usually at the furthest table in the library.

I started walking to the back of the room, I could see some people giving me strange looks but I assumed it's because they wouldn't ever think to see me in a library. I tugged the strap of my bag up and shook off the stares and kept my head down as I continued walking, I had never felt this anxious before. I cleared my throat as I reached the table where Nathan was, he looked up and rolled his eyes but still continued to read his book.

"What do you want?" He asked in a monotone voice.

"I think we need to speak, don't you?"

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