Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven:

Nathan's POV:

Tom had insisted on taking me on a date tonight and of course I hadn't even been given a choice in the matter. I was just told that he was taking me out tonight and that I had to wear something warm. I decided to give up on pestering him on where we was going because I knew he wasn't going to tell me; as stubborn as I was I backed down. I would only find out later anyway, I can last until then.

Even so I still had no clue what I should wear, by 'something warm' did he mean bring a warm coat or that my whole outfit had to be warm? In the end I had to go and get my sister to help me decide what to wear as she was better at choosing outfits than me.

"Honestly Nathan, you are like a girl." Jess laughed. "Just wear a jumper and some jeans, it's not that difficult is it?"

I did as she said and wore a grey jumper, black jeans and some red trainers. Once I was satisfied that I looked okay I made my way downstairs where Tom was already sat waiting for me. At the top of the stairs before my descent I was fine, there wasn't an ounce of nervousness in my body; this wasn't the first date we've had so I was fine but, as I got hallway down the stairs my anxiousness increased and my brain started to overwork, bringing all these horrible thoughts in my head.

I nibbled on the sleeve of my jumper, it was a bad habit of mine that would only occur when I felt nervous or scared and I was feeling both of them coursing through my veins all at once. I couldn't understand why I was so scared, was it because I now had feelings for Tom, strong feelings so all my emotions felt heightened now.

"Hi, I-uh you look nice." I whispered and that nervousness I tried to hide before had gone down the drain. If it wasn't my posture and the fumbling of my hands that gave it away then obviously my voice did.

Tom chuckled. "You're cute Nathan Sykes." I blushed and looked down coily.

"Ready to go?" He then asked me, standing up from the seat he had just been sat on. I nodded, offering him a small smile.

"Have fun boys." My mum gave me a wink which Tom didn't see, well, I hope he didn't see anyway.

* * *

"You took me to an ice-skating rink!?" I exclaimed, my jaw slacked in complete and utter awe.

Tom nodded, a small blush on his face. "Yeah... I thought it'd be cute." He admitted sheepishly which I found - dare I say - completely adorable.

"Thanks Tom." I kissed his cheek lightly, making his pink-ish blush spread like wildfire across his face and darken into scarlet red, to which I giggled at.

"You're cute, Tom Parker." It was my turn to smirk (for once) as I used Tom's words against him. "Now can we go and get our skates? I don't think I can wait any longer." I almost squealed from excitement as we wandered over to where a guy was stood behind a counter where he was handing out the ice-skates that I was desperately craving to get onto my feet.

"Do you even know how to skate?" Tom cocked an eyebrow at me as I clumsily stumbled onto the ice rink.

"Nope." I admitted, not even the least bit embarrassed.

Tom laughed, his eyes scrunching shut slightly. "Well luckily, I do."

* * *

"That was fun." I smiled at Tom as we made our way out of the cafe that we had just been sat in for the past twenty minutes, warming ourselves up from the bitter wind outside. "I really enjoyed myself, thank you Tom."

Tom had been holding my hand since we were skating together on the rink and he hadn't let go ever since; not that I was complaining, it felt nice with his warm holding my own cold one.

"I am glad you enjoyed yourself, babe."

"Babe?" I quizzed. "Last time we went on a date it was kitten and now it's babe? What will it be next?"

"Shut up." He grumbled, the blush from earlier returning to his cheeks, which I pointed out to him, saying how cute he was - once again. "It's just the cold." Tom shrugged, trying to play it cool but I knew it was more than just the cold.

I couldn't help but let out a giggle at his expense, squeezing his hand softly I retorted, "Sure it is" In the most sarcastic way that I could muster up.

I frowned as I realised that we were back at my house. "So, I guess we are here."

"Yeah." Tom whispered, much like I had done earlier before.

We both stood outside of my house, standing face-to-face both of us staring at each other as if we both had something to say but neither of us wanted to say anything at all.

"Nath, uh... I am not very good with words a-as you know but uh," he stopped for a second to lick his lips and then he continued, "But I really like you and all and- fuck I'm so awkward." He let out a dry laugh. The suspense was killing me; I was drowning in the cuteness of his words.

"What I'm trying to say is that, well, will you be my boyfriend?"


Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a lovely day! Even if you don't celebrate Christmas I hope you have a lovely day anyway and eat lots of food :) As It was Christmas I decided to upload a special chapter for you all as my present for you all lovely people!

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger but I couldn't help myself, I live solely off of cliffhangers.

What do you think Nathan is going to say??????

I've just watched The Grinch and now I am bit excitable lol.

- Talia x

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