Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five:

Tom's POV;

I had to hide my surprise when Nathan agreed to hear me out, I thought I would get a stern no and then get a lecture on how I was being such a cocky dick. If we were being completely honest here my eyes very nearly bugged out of my head like in those children's cartoon shows. It wasn't until Nathan led me inside that my nerves kicked in and I could feel the acid in my stomach bubbling; waiting to be regurtitated. 

I knew that Nathan's mother would still be at work at this time and his sister, Jess would most likely be staying behind at school or at a friend's house so we would be completely alone and I didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing. 

Nathan motioned me to take a seat one the wooden dining table seat and so I did. Nathan was stood up, giving me daggers as he looked down on me, a scowl on his face. I think the vomit that was awaiting to be regurgitated was a metaphor of what would happen to me when Nathan would be finished with me - the look on his face clearly showed that he was ready to chew me up and regurgitate me. 

"So," He cocked his head to the side; his arms were crossed over his chest, his eyes narrowed almost as if he was judging me. And I'm sure he was, he was probably trying to decided ig I was to be trusted again or not. "Are you going to talk then? I want you out here as soon as possible, the sight of you makes me feel sick, I can't even believe that you have the cheek here to be honest."

I gulped. 

"I-I'm not good at things like...this. I don't know if I have ever apologised to anyone before-" Nathan snorted and rolled his eyes, cutting me off. I frowned, taking in a deep breath before continuing. "I'm not good at being sentimental or sincere, neither of those are my strong points. But I'm trying to be different, I know that I am dick-"

Nathan interrupted me again. "At least we can agree on something, you are a dick."

"I thought you wanted me to leave here as soon as possible?" I asked, I was getting annoyed with him interrupting me. Didn't he realise that he's lucky that I even came to apologise to him, I could have done what I did to all of my other exes; just laughed at them and use someone else to make them jealous.

"I do." He rolled his eyes and spoke as if his answer to my question was so painfully obvious. 

"Then stop interrupting me all the damn time!" I snapped. "And please sit down, you're making me nervous."

He rolled his eyes - once again; it was starting to annoy me now - and huffily sat down. 

"I know that I hurt you and I basically repeated history on you and I am truly sorry about that, Nathan. I really am." I was looking at Nathan the whole time I spoke, trying to decipher each and every emotion that would appear on his face but none did, it was just a flicker; then it was gone. 

"You probably hate me and honestly, I don't blame you - I hate me too." I could tell there was something on the tip of his tongue that he wanted to spit out but I gave him a pointed look and he leaned further back into the chair. "But I still like you and my feelings for you were always real, I never lied about that."

I reached over the table to grab Nathan's hand but he flinched back and I sighed. Right, I couldn't hold his hand anymore, he hated me. 

I blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill over. I couldn't cry right now, I had to be brave plus it would only give Nathan another reason to laugh at how much of an idiot I was currently being. 

I looked at Nathan again and he still had no signs on his face, it was completely monotone. 

He hated me, it was obvious. 

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