Chapter Thirty Four

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One more chapter and then an epilogue left omf ●︿●

Chapter Thirty Four:

Nathan's POV;

 The news had spread like wildfire but Kelsey wasn't hanging off of Tom's arm in fact, which was unexpected. Tom wasn't even sat with his teammates he was just by himself which made me wonder if he was really alone or was he just trying to make me feel guilty and go up to him and make sure that he's okay. Of course I felt bad but I didn't know if the bet was over, Hell, I wasn't sure if Tom was still playing with me - I hope he wasn't, the Tom that I saw was better than what he was perceiving himself to be. 

I picked at my food as I waited for Jay, he text me telling me that he'd be a bit late to lunch but I wanted him to hurry up I couldn't deal with the tensions and the constant stares and whispers that I was receiving wilst in the canteen; it was absolute agony. 

When I heard a thud sound next to me I assumed that it was Jay so I looked up from where I was gazing blankly at the red tray in front of me I was shocked to see that it was Kelsey sat next to me and not Jay. 

Was I hallucinating? Or was Kelsey really there?

She didn't say anything at first, she just stared at me with a monotone expression.

"Yes?" I raised my eyebrow, prompting her to speak - and she did.

"Look, I know we don't get a long and you hate me and I hate you but... we both have something in common," She began. "We both have feelings for Tom and he's screwed us both over yet we still like him-"

"No," I interrupted her, "I don't like him any more, he's a bastard, I hate him."

She sighed and shook her head sadly. "You're in denial--- no, don't interrupt me again, Nathan. I can see how much you like him, I can see that you're upset but please don't be so harsh on him! Charlie is the bastard not Tom."

"I know that you don't believe me but please do because it's the truth, I know how Tom felt about you and he really did like you he's just easily led astray by Charlie he was practically forced to do the bet."

"He wasn't forced! He took the bet on, he said that it was only going to be a bit of fun and don't bullshit me by saying that he had, slash has feelings for me; he doesn't! This isn't the first time a trick like this has been pulled on me and I can't believe that you have the cheek to come over here and try to cheer me up by telling me lies!" By now several people had turned to watch the commotion unfold as my pent up anger started to unravel. 

"Did Tom say that it would be fun, or Charlie?" 

That stumped me for a second as I thought back to who said what. When realising that it was in fact, Charlie and not Tom I kept quite - she was right and oh, how I hated that she was right. 

"Exactly." She spoke in a tone that was too sassy for my liking. 

"Just please don't be harsh on Tom, he didn't mean any harm and he still, truly does like you."

And then she was gone.

* * *

The walk home from school had never seemed so tedious; the school day had never seemed so teadious. Not even the sound of my favourite song could cheer me up, I just felt so empty and drained all because of Tom Parker, the school's dickhead. 

I know I've expressed my hate for him before but I don't think I could hate him any more - he outright disgusted me, he infuriated me. The thought of him played on a constant loop in my head and each night when I closed my eyes I could see his stupid face, his stupid hair, his stupid smile, his stupid eyes; his stupid demeanor. 

I hated him.

I groaned in annoyance as I finally reached my house only to see, him sat on my doorstep.

"What do you want?" 

Tom looked up and offered me a small smile, "I just want to speak. Please."


Happy Valentines Day my lovelies!! For those who don't have a valentines today don't worry I will be your valentines, okay?!?

What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter? Will Nathan agree to listen to Tom??? Or nah?

I may update again tomorrow if I am feeling creative if not Tuesday at the latest :D 

I can't believe that there's one more chapter and an epilogue left! It only feels like yesterday that this story began!

Okay, I am getting sappy now lol I apologise

How is everyone doing? Are you all okay?

- Talia x 

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