Chapter Two

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Chapter Two.

Tom's POV:

When I got to my last class of the day which was Maths, I sat down in my usual seat next to Max and turned to face him. "Hey, what's that guy's name? You know the one that hangs out with Jay?" 

"His name is Nathan." Max answered me, looking at me strangely. "Why?"

Nathan. That's a nice name, it suited him. 

"Well I bumped into him earlier and the way he acted around me was just so...strange-- he acted completly normal around me. I didn't like that. He intrigues me to be honest with you, I want to get to know him more, I want to find out why he acted the way he did. Say, will you find out more about him for me, please?"

Max rolled his eyes. "Why all this trouble for this one guy? You don't like him do you?"

I shook my head. "No." I started. "He just intrigues me, like I said."

"So will you help me?" I asked Max.

He groaned but nodded. "Fine."

I grinned, hopefully now I can find out more about Nathan and get to know why he was like that when I bumped into him.

* * *

Nathan's POV:

I couldn't express how glad I was when I heard the ringing of the bell signalling we could finally go home and enjoy our weekend. Before I could go home I was meeting Jay near my locker-- where we usally met-- and then we could go home. As I was walking to my locker I had a funny feeling that someone was following me. I shrugged it off, telling myself that it was my imagination but the feeling never left. 

When I opened my locker I felt someone put their arm around me I then heard a cocky voice. "Hey there babe" The voice said. 

I turned round to see Tom Parker, the guy that had bumped into me before. I scoffed and shoved his arm off of me. "First of all I'm not your babe so don't call me that and second since when did you start speaking to me?" 

Tom smirked. "Well babe, you intrigue me. For some reason you act completely calm around me and I wanna know why. I also want to get to know you, so which is why I will see you tomorrow at starbucks, 11am sharp" 

"No you won't. I'm not going" I told him confidently. 

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh but you are babe, I never asked you I told you to come and so you will come."

I frowned at him, I didn't want to spend my saturday with him but did I really have a choice? 

Thankfully Jay had walked up behind me, glaring at Tom which made Tom back off a little bi but he still had that cocky smirk on his face. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, Nathan" He spoke before he walked away. 

"What did he want?" Jay asked, glaring at Tom's retreating figure.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair before I began telling Jay about what Tom wanted. 

"Well he asked--no demanded that I meet him at starbucks tomorrow! I mean the cheek of him, we've never spoken before and apparently I intrigue because like most people I don't turn all giggly and girly whenever I see him, he's just so arrogant. I see why you hate him so much. I hate him too, I hate his stupid voice and his stupid smirk and he's stupid cockiness he's just so-"

"Stupid?" Jay interrupted smirking. 

"Seriously though" Jay added. "Are you going to go?" 

I thought about It for a second. "I really don't know."

And truth be told I really didn't know.

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