Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen.

Tom's POV:

I smiled as Kelsey came running up to me, I smiled as she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. It was all fake. I wasn't all happy and smiley. To be honest I tried to imagine that it was Nathan; it didn't work, it just made me feel even more guilty.

"Hey babe." Kelsey grinned at me, looking a little flustered from our kiss. It felt wrong calling Kelsey babe. I wanted to be pestering Nathan, seeing him getting all worked up as I called him the pet name.

"I missed you so much." Kelsey admitted sheepishly. I would have found it cute but I didn't - it wasn't Nathan.

"Yeah, me too." I answered vaguely.

I don't know how it got from telling Nathan I liked him two days ago to this. I was really confused. I had never felt anything like I do towards Nathan about anyone else, it was all new to me; I don't like different, I never had and I guess I got scared and ran back to familiarity. I was always so familiar with playing games with people and then dropping them but with Nathan it was oh so different. I admit at first it was just a game with Nath but not anymore, I have feelings for him I guess you could say that he won the game.

I can feel the guilt eating away at me, I should be with Nathan right now, not with Kelsey.

"So you finally got rid of that nerd huh?" Kelsey smirked.

"He's not. Nerd!" I felt angered by her snarky comment. "He is a very nice person-" I could feel the words 'unlike you' poised at the tip of my tongue, ready to roll off and be spoken at any given moment I just had to cut myself off.

Clearing my throat I kissed Kelsey's cheek. "I guess he is kind of a nerd, he's annoying as hell. I'm only with him because I feel sorry for him." I lied.

It was all lies, everything that fell from my lips was all lies. I didn't like Kelsey, I felt uncomfortable around her - she no longer felt like the familiarity that I longed for. And that honestly scared me, terrified me even.

Kelsey no longer felt familiar to me as Nathan was now familiar. He was what I longed for.


Nathan's POV:

"Wait, wait, wait!" Jay held up one of his hands. "So you're saying that Tom - the Thomas Parker - likes you? Like he actually said it?"

I mentally groaned in frustration, this was probably the hundredth time that I had answered this question.

"That's what he said."

Jay shivered. "I didn't know he had the capability to have emotions never mind actual feelings towards someone."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Please tell me you don't like him too?" Jay sounded pleading, like he was begging me to tell him that no, I didn't in fact like him too.

I shrugged, looking downa at my shoes whilst twiddling with the frayed end of my blazer pocket.

"Jesus Nathan, why? Are you asking for your heart to be broken again?" I could tell he was angry at me, I don't blame him I would be too. I wanted to apologise to him but the words wouldn't come out; they were stuck at the back of my throat.

Jay sighed, his expression softened as I looked at him guiltily as I tried to apologise with my eyes as words seemed to fail. "I'm sorry for shouting at you Nath, I just don't want to see you get hurt, it kills me in fact seeing you hurt and I don't want that to happen to you again. It's just I know what Tom is like and I fear that he's still playing a game with you."

I thought about what Jay said. Tom wouldn't do that to me, right?

First off I want to say a massive thank you for getting this story over a thousand reads! It means the world to me and I can't thank you enough so thank you again! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I made sure it was better than the last chapter for you all bc you're all awesome :D

Thanks a bunch, again - Talia x

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