Chapter Six

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Chapter Six.

Nathan's POV:

I knew that the stunt Tom tried to pull yesterday was just a part of his game. Him being nice towards me was just another part of his game; him talking to me full stop was his game. He had never spoken to me before - and that's just how I liked it, I wished it stayed that way. It all started when he bumped into me, if it wasn't for that I would have to be forced to be a piece in Tom's game, me and Jay could have been partners for the English project, I would have never have to speak to him ever; and that would have suited me.

I grabbed my phone and my bag, kissing my mum goodbye before I left for school, hoping that Tom would leave me alone today. But I guess that was too much to ask for as soon as I walked into the school gates Tom was there, like a hawk catching his prey, he placed his arm around me talking animatedly about something I didn't care about, I really didn't bother to listen to him. Thankfully when we walked inside the actual school building, Jay was there to save me telling Tom to 'leave' in the nicest possible way. And by that I mean rudely.

I smiled at my best friend. "Thanks Jay!"

"No problem." He smiled back. "Can I ask one thing? Since when did you and Tom Parker become such good mates?" Jay asked as we made our way to our lockers.

"We aren't mates." I replied nonchalantly. "I hate him."

I opened my locker grabbing some of the books that I needed before I continued. "I hate him and his stupid face, stupid smirk and his stupid arrogance he's just so..."

"Stupid?" Jay offered with a smirk.

I groaned and shut my locker. "Shut up, Jay." I stormed away, the sound of his laughter filling the half-empty hallway.

* * *

I slumped down in my seat, slamming my bag down on the table. It was the last lesson of the day: English. The heat was blistering and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep, today had been extra tiring and I just wanted it to end already. It didn't help that I had to sit next to Tom.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked, with a concerned look. I didn't even know he could look concerned for anyone else but himself.

I threw my bag on the floor once I had gotten out my book and pen. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He asked skeptically. I nodded.

Once again, I told him that I was fine and thankfully he dropped the subject. I folded my arms and rested my head on them; wishing that the day would be over with I closed my eyes. Sadly, a certain someone - Tom - had to spoil my plans of sleeping the rest of the lesson away by continually poking my shoulder with his pen.

"Will you stop!" I snapped, everyone's eyes turned to me, shocked by me outburst. I think even Tom was shocked, to be honest I shocked myself.

The teacher - Mrs.Mcall - gave me a warning glare. "Nathan..."

I bash fully looked down, muttering out an apology my cheeks tinting a pinky-red. And for the rest of the lesson I resented myself for doing something that was not like me to do - I never snap at anyone, ever. At least my outburst made Tom quiet, actually, he didn't dare speak to me the rest of that lesson.

* * *
Tom's POV:

I hung back after the lesson ended for Max, while I was sitting next to Nathan I had formed a genius plan - one that would get me the answers I needed - and I desperately needed to discuss them with Max.

"Hey Max!" I pulled him aside, a smirk on my face. "I have a plan to find out more about Nathan and why he acted... Normal around me."

Max looked worried. "It's nothing bad!"

"Go on then... Tell me." Max hesitated a little, chewing on his lip.

"Well I was thinking, I could make Nathan fall for me; get all the information I need from him and then break his heart."

Max looked at me shell-shocked, what was wrong with him? He usually liked all my ideas. "You can't be serious"


"Like, isn't that a little low...? Even for your standards?"

I frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?" I thought he would love it! Wasn't he meant to be my best friend, weren't we meant to agree on things?

"You want to break an innocent boy's heart because of a stupid game you're playing?" Max frowned. "At least think through what you're saying, what if you end up falling for him? What then huh, have you thought that far ahead?"

"It won't come to that" I assured, but whether I was assuring myself or Max was unclear.

"And how do you know that?"

I cleared my throat, looking away from Max. "I just do."

I'm sorry that this chapter is embarrassingly horrible, but it's the best I could do. If I have time I might re-write it. Anyways this chapter is kinda important, for the next chapter *hint hint* ;).

I'm finished for half-term which means I get a week off, so I'll be able to update often but sadly after the half-term I have a tonne load of exams so my updates might not be as frequent but I promise I'll try my utmost best to update, as I love all of you! - Talia xx

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