Chapter Thirty Three

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Chapter Thirty Three:

Tom's POV:

To: Nath ♥ 

Please, don't ignore me Nathan. I never lied about having feelings for - I truly did like you, contrary to belief I am not that much of a dick. 

To: Nath ♥ 

ring me, please? or text me back, I want to explain. 

To: Nath ♥ 

Nathan please answer me... I miss you.

Each message had been read by Nathan, that was twenty minutes ago and he had yet to reply. I doubted that he would reply but I hoped that it was only me being cynical and that he was going to text me back but he never did. 

I debated whether or not to send another message but I suppose the eight that I have already sent in the past five minutes was enough - I know how much I hated to be spammed; and how much he hated it too. God, there I go again. I found it impossible to stop thinking about him, everything reminded me of him and I felt like my brain was constantly taunting me for being such a massive twat for doing what I did to Nathan as I would always get flashbacks of all the good times me and Nathan shared evry time I closed my eyes. 

I did it again - I thought of him. 

And now my chest felt tight; the air seemed thick; everything was closing on me. 

I've felt so, so, so helpless - 

So vulnerable; and I hated it.

Was this what heartbreak felt like? Those over-played pop songs about heartbreak did not come anywhere close to describing the pain of heartbreak - if anything those songs made it sound as if it was bearable but it wasn't. The pain was torturous, I felt like I had just been dragged through hell and back. 

I felt so weak, the pain in my chest had slowly seeped into my blood stream and throughout my whole body and I knew that it was only a matter of time until it reached my brain and the inevitable thoughts of pure agony would creep up on me. 

I could feel the tears burning my eyes but I swallowed them back. I couldn't appear any weaker than I already was; I had to maintain at least some of my dignity, I suppose. 

Another twenty minutes later and I was still sat in the same corner of my bedroom, my phone was gripped in my hand tightly but the small slimmer of hope that I had before had long gone. I didn't even feel anything right now so I didn't really care if he text or not, I was just numb; empty; lifeless. 

This is why I didn't get involved with anyone; why I didn't date, it only ends in pain. 

So, I did the only thing that I knew that would help me get my mind off of things:

I rang Kelsey.

"Kelsey?" I gulped. "Can you do me a favour?"

* * *

Nathan's POV:

"If you're going to say 'I told you so' then save it because I really don't want to hear it." I groaned at the sight of Jay's face that was full of sorrow. My mum had given me more than enough pity to last me a lifetime and I definitely didn't want any more from my best friend. 

Jay sighed and placed his hand on my back and he started to soothingly rub up and down my back. "I'm not going to-- I thought he was becoming nicer, I guess I was wrong."

"Yeah, I was wrong too."

"Hey, don't blame yourself!" Jay was serious now; his eyebrows were raised and his face stern. "It's not your fault."

"It must be! This has happened to me twice now, what am I doing wrong?"

Jay shrugged, "I don-"

"I mean, is there something about me that just attracts people to use me? Am I doing something wrong? Am I too 'innocent'? Is that it, huh?" I cut Jay off. I had too much fire flowing through me right now that I had to just explode to someone - and that person happened to be Jay. "And why did I even speak to Tom, I should have known when he would always call me "babe" there was some ulterior motif!" 

"Why am I so stupid?" I sobbed and Jay pulled me into a hug."Why, why, why."

I was aware that I was getting snot and salty tears all over Jay's favourite t-shirt but right now I couldn't care less. I would apologise later anyways. As soon as I received Tom's texts I immediately called Jay over, I needed to be distracted or I would have text Tom back and would have most likely accepted the egotistcal's fake apology - and I wasn't ever going to do that.

I suppose I would have to just, grin and bear it, as they say but I knew that tomorrow at school would be horrible: the news that me and Tom are no longer would have spread like wildfire and Kelsey would be hanging off of his harm and they'd be laughing and joking as if nothing has happened. 

And that's what I dreaded the most that something like this would happen and it did. 


Sorry, I couldn't find a better way to end it! 

So the end is nigh; only two more chapters to go! 

This is dedicated to one of my good friends Giselle, you're the real MVP :D 

Does anyone have a good joke? I feel like we need to cheer up the sour mood that has been left from this chapter.

I have one (it's quite corny tbh): Why did the teacher not mark the exam paper?

Because he CBA!

Lol that was so lame, I hope you guys have better ones! 

- Talia x 

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