Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten.

Nathan's POV:

"Please Nathan, come with me to the party." Jay was practically on his knees begging me. It was the end of the week, meaning that Tom was throwing one of his fortnightly parties.

I shook my head. "No, Jay. Tom's already asked me, I said no and the answer still stands."

"But I'm asking you now!"

"No. Sorry."

Jay whined. "Please Nathan, it'll be awesome. You will have fun and I won't leave your side. I promise."

"But you hate Tom, yet because now he's throwing a party that we've been invited to you want to go?" I shook my head at him. "Fine, I'll go but I'll hold you to that promise!"

I could just imagine Tom's cocky smirk when he saw me there, despite firstly refusing his invitation. I still didn't want to go but if it kept Jay off my back and happy then, I would have to force myself to go.

"Nathan, it's our last year we need to experience going to a high school party at least once - even if it is Tom's party. Now, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you Nathan!!" He squealed, hugging me tightly.

I laughed at him, he was mad but I loved him. "Are you sure that you're not the gay one?"

"Shut up Nath, I have a girlfriend. Now be ready for 8:30, I'll come and get you then."

This would be my first party and honestly I was excited.

* * *

I walked behind Jay as we entered Tom's party; the music was blaring out of the speakers, teenagers sweating as they danced dirty, everyone was drunk and having fun.

I decided I wanted to have fun and get drunk too. I walked with Jay into the kitchen, grabbing myself a drink and chugging it down - I had no absolute idea on what I was drinking but I didn't care. Wincing at the bitter after taste and the burning sensation. Once I had drank my second drink of the night, I was used to it - I had actually started to like it.

Jay had gone against his promise and ended up leaving me, I was far too drunk to care. I had looked everywhere for Tom - I didn't want to look like a loner - but he was no where to be found: he wasn't in the conservatory, he wasn't outside either. The only place that I hadn't checked was upstairs. He just didn't seem to be downstairs, so I decided to go and look upstairs, maybe he was in his bedroom.

Making sure I had enough alcohol in my system to cease my nerves, I made my way upstairs. I had no idea which room Tom's was: there was 5 doors to choose from. Going off from the location of my bedroom - the furthest room in the hallway - I walked to the last door and my I happened to be right: it was Tom's room. When I walked in, he had his back to me - he hadn't heard me come in yet - he was changing into a black shirt and I almost passed out at the sight of Tom's toned, muscular back.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Tom smirked. Shit. I was caught.

"N-no." Lie. Lie. Lie.

Could I be anymore obvious that I was lying?

He raised his eyebrow but didn't bother to comment.

"How did you know which room was mine?" He asked as he sat on his bed, patting the space next to him.

"Educated guess."

He nodded, licking his lips. Drawing all my attention to his red, plump, soft-looking lips. I couldn't look away, whether it was the alcohol or the fact that I liked him all I wanted to do was kiss him, I was hypnotised. And that's what we did; we kissed. I straddled Tom as we lay back on the bed. I could sense the passion and emotion in the kiss, it was as if we craved the feel of each other's lips against our own. Our hands removing clothing: a shirt off here, a shirt off there. It stopped when I had started to undo his jeans.

"Nathan, no. You're drunk. You will hate me even more in the morning if we went through with this." Tom instructed as he moved my arm of the top of his jeans.

Right now, I didn't care. I was craving Tom's touch. And he was depriving me of that.

"Tom, can I ask you something?" He nodded. "What do you want from me?"

"I want you Nathan. I want you sexually. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't have feelings for you, I just want you, need you sexually. I don't do relationships, so you have no reason to feel special."

And just like that my heart shattered.

"Oh." Was all I said as I rolled off him, getting off the bed and putting my shirt back on.

To be honest I felt heartbroken. I thought he liked me.. Or at least had some feelings for me. Maybe my gut instinct was right: Tom was only playing a game with me, I was nothing to him other than a pawn in his game. It was now that I realised that I had an attraction to him; I liked him. I just wanted to go home, curl up in a ball, have a little cry and eat ice-cream - I didn't care how girly that sounded.

I walked out onto the balcony in Tom's room, I couldn't even walk straight. I walked right to the end of the balcony, looking down and letting a few tears fall; next thing I know, I was falling too.

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