Chapter 65

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Prabir who was seated on his study table observed Bhargavi carefully like a hawk and said indifferently,
" Bhargu. I can fathom how Maa might be feeling now. She told me that you have never lived with out her even for a single day. When you had...spent five days here in Jaroha, before she came from Parili to join you.

I know that she is deeply repenting for what she did, but I am also aware of the fact that she won't change and will be repeating the same things again."

"Speaking about our marriage," he said softly," I want you to wait till you complete your master's program and get a decent job, which will perhaps take a minimum of two years."

She stared at him unable to comprehend why he wasn't in a mood of getting married, when he even had his father's permission.

"Are you reconsidering your decision of getting married because of..," Bhargavi started to enquire but was sharply stopped by Prabir. "No!" He retorted back angrily in an instant, shocking Bhargavi.

He cupped her face and whispered," Bhargu.I am not someone who is afraid to make commitments... Remember what I told you...I need to ensure that I get Maa married first before we get married,when you first spoke about us getting married.

After what she did to you, I am not sending you back to her but we can't get married without her permission or in her absence, she is your guardian. I have partly resolved some of the misunderstands between you two but still there's a lot more to do."

"I really hope you can get her married to someone within a short time span of two years and I don't have to wait for eons.

How about you plan on finding husband's for both Winky and KitKat too?" She snapped disgusted.

"Yeah! Why not?" Prabir said cheerfully. He was totally enjoying her disappointment.

And so you want me to stay in a PG ( paying guest) all this time?" She quizzed sadly.

"That is the only option we have Bhargu," he replied back looking gloomy and dejected before leaving.

He asked the nurse on the ground floor to lock up the door as he went to meet Ms. Nalini. Mayank had already left in search for a part-time job in Rimpson.

Prabir whistled all the way upstairs happily before pressing the door bell. He was tempted to give Ms. Nalini an ear full when she wept and sobbed bitterly asking him to convince Bhargavi but all his anger had turned into something extremely sweet when he saw Bhargavi's obsession in getting married to him.

"Prabir," Ms. Nalini said hugging him and broke down, being emotionally drained as soon as she opened the door. Prabir supported her and made her sit on the sofa beside him. Her eyes were swollen,red and puffy.

"I am not a good mother Prabir, I hurt her so badly that she...she left the house.She went to stay with her father leaving us. I said such awful things...that she detests me," she went on to pour out her heart.

"Maa. She will never detest you. She is hurt badly and it will take some time for the deep emotional scars to heal," he said consoling her, wiping her tears.

She is on pins and needles, as you keep calling her. She thinks you might be discovering new ways to torment yourself, Prabir's thoughts rushed in spontaneously.

"Maa.I love Bhargu. She is very special to me.
I promise to take good care of her for the rest of her life. I will always honor, respect and cherish your daughter," he said softly gauging her reactions holding her palms in his hands.

Ms. Nalini was listening to him intently, mesmerized by his comforting presence and assurance of taking care of her daughter for the rest of her life.

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