Chapter 32

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Bhargavi had a distorted scary vision, however she could clearly make out Prabir meet a road accident. A car crashed head on into his bike and he flipped over the car and fell on the road, motionless. She felt as if time stood still. She rushed close to him and found blood spurting out of his mouth. He was badly injured even though he was wearing the helmet. He was staring into her eyes, his face was etched with immense pain, still he had a warm smile on his face and tried to say something but then felt silent shutting his eyes.

Bhargavi woke up sitting up on her bed with cold sweat. She threw her coverlet and started pacing in her room. It was 2a.m. in the night. She couldn't swipe off the eerie vision from her mind. Her heart was beating relentlessly at an extremely fast pace and she felt like she was unable to walk with her wobbly legs.

The only thing she hated about Prabir, was the speed at which he drove his bike,she had to admit. She felt restless and wanted to see Prabir just once.

Would Prabir have left the terrace door unlocked, she thought and without a second thought slowly stepped out of her room towards the terrace. She swiftly jumped off her terrace into the terrace of the Banerjee residence and rolled over, unable to keep herself steady.

The terrace door was left unlocked by Prabir as he did not want to wake up Parul or Mr. Banerjee with the sound of the bolt. Bhargavi slowly approached Prabir's room. She knelt beside his bed softly running her fingers on his cheeks.

Prabir held her arm waking up confused, exclaiming "Bhargu!" He sat up straight, as Bhargavi got up on her feet and sat down beside him on the bed, squeezing him almost out of breath in a tight hug.

"You had a nightmare Bhargu?" He enquired genuinely.

Bhargavi was silent, soaking in his fragrance, his presence, so close to her. "I almost screamed  my lungs out for you. I have told you so many times before, please drive slowly and carefully, you never listen to me Prabu," she said sadly, with a pout.

Prabir hugged her back, holding her firmly in his arms murmuring, " I am right here Bhargu... I love you baby. I promise I'll listen to you. I'll drive slowly and carefully. Okay!" She drew back from the embrace and Prabir quietly let her free. She slowly slid inside his coverlet and cuddled up on his bed facing him, as he only kept looking into her sparkling jet black eyes.

"What are you thinking?" Bhargavi inquired curiously.

That I am the most shameless girl on this planet, she thought.

Prabir laid down beside her and slowly placed her head on his left shoulder, and stroked her head gently. He had found her cuddled up as a tiny bundle on the floor in her room, tired and exhausted and now she was as cold as a lizard because of a horrible nightmare. He knew exactly how it felt to watch a loved one, die right before your eyes, in a dreadful nightmare. He had been terrified because of such horrific nightmares for years till Bhargavi had stepped in his life.

Bhargavi drifted into sleep easily, he too fell asleep with his chin placed on her head and arms wrapped around her.

Waking up after a peaceful and happy sleep, Bhargavi gently regarded Prabir who looked like a fallen angel while asleep. She had to return to her room, but she did not want to wake him up. It was 5.40 a.m. in the morning. She carefully tried to pull out from his arms without disturbing his sleep, but he woke up with a soul stirring beautiful smile, she couldn't help but smile back affectionately.

He rubbed his eyes mumbling," Good morning Bhargu." She cupped his face tenderly and said, " Prabu...I am leaving now, go back to sleep."

He hugged her tightly and kissed on her nape, making her blush instantly feeling the tingling sensation on her throat. After sometime she gently pushed him back and he moaned.
She kissed his cheek and swiftly walked away leaving him smiling to himself. She ran swiftly up to the terrace and jumped off racing to her own room, before her mother came to wake her up.

The day went on as usual, Parul and Bhawani went to their schools, Mr. Banerjee went to the hospital.

Prabir was waiting for Bhargavi, perched on his bike and she shrank back with fear as soon as she saw him. The accident she had witnessed in her dream now seemed fresh and the scenes were replaying in her head. Prabir held her arm as she slowly got close enough to him, and pulled her in a slight embrace.

He did not even notice that two pair of eyes were on them, Mr. Ghosh who was about to set out for his office was watching them with a grin and Bhargavi's mother, Ms. Nalini had her eyes glued to them from her balcony.

Prabir slowly released her, and placed a random strand of hair behind her ear, that was running wildly on her face. Their eyes met for a fraction of a second, Prabir mutely nodded and  Bhargavi sat on a side saddle and clutched onto his shoulder tightly as they left.

Parul found from Sarvesh in school, that Ayeshi was no relative of his, but her father and Ritvik uncle were good friends. Sarvesh seemed to be in a very pleasant mood, in between the boring lectures he was whistling to some song tunes happily, he seemed to have forgotten that he had a broken index finger.

Parul copied the notes for him, after having their lunch in the recess as Sarvesh could only scribble with his left hand and his handwriting was bad even when he used his right one. Parul had now become the centre of all the girls' jealousy because of the interest that Sarvesh showed in her, being one of the hottest guys in school.

Sarvesh was extremely rude and indifferent to the other girls but was very soft spoken and polite with Parul.

Ayeshi couldn't help but think that may be if she could reveal something about Sarvesh's past life to Parul, they might end up breaking up. She had known that Sarvesh lived with Ritvik uncle and was abandoned by his own parents for having killed his own sister and she also knew that he had to be transferred to this school because he had picked up a fight with a bully in the previous school who was torturing a kid.

She could not understand what Sarvesh found in an overly obese girl, and why he chose Parul instead of all the other girls in school.

He seemed to be obsessed with her all the time. He was an extremely rich kid and purchasing costly presents for Parul, to make her smile, had become his new hobby. This closeness between Parul and Sarvesh was unbearable for her.
She had developed a crush on Sarvesh since the day, he had joined the school as a transfer student. She believed that Sarvesh unquestionably deserved someone better than Parul. She decided with great determination to put a lid on Sarvesh and Parul's relationship as soon as possible. 

Fortunately, she got the opportunity very easily, when Parul and she were alone in the loo washing their faces after returning from the playground. Though Parul just sat on a side, gazing the field and Sarvesh play football, the sun's heat had felt very scorching.

"Parul do you know why Sarvesh was transferred to this school?" Ayeshi inquired.

Parul simply nodded not knowing the answer. "He is a cruel beast Parul, he had beaten up a boy in a very barbaric manner. That boy had to spent two weeks in a hospital, he had broken his jawline and several other bones.

Do you know Sarvesh killed his own sister?" Ayeshi added ruefully.

"He did not kill Shivani was very unfortunate. It was an accident," Parul snapped.

"This is what he told you right?" Ayeshi quizzed." Do you believe him? His own father abandoned him Parul.

Don't tell me later that I didn't warn you. He is a monster Parul. Stay away from him." She said sternly and left, leaving Parul slide down slowly and sit hugging her knees feeling her mind was blown apart.

A/N : Hey there!!

Hope you like the second chapter.

Let me know your thoughts on this.

Keep reading and enjoying!!

Thank you all!

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