Chapter 31

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Dedicated to ashona2

The man driving the car parked the car at a side and walked away. Parul noticed in a shimmer of the headlights of another car passing by, his eyes were moist and face was soaked in tears.

Sarvesh was still whimpering. Parul placed her arms around his neck and gently placed his head on her bosom. Calling out softly, "Sarvesh," she patted his back lightly.

In a deep coarse and choked voice he whispered," Parul.I tried to kill myself many times unable to bear the pain and agony of having killed my own sister, but each time...I was saved by Ritvik uncle.

He or his people follow me like a shadow. I don't live with my parents, instead I live with him."

Parul instantly realized that Sarvesh was talking about the man driving the car, as he had had to park the car, unable to control his emotional outburst on noticing the miserable plight of Sarvesh.She had been thinking he was a mere chauffeur, but now he seemed to be an important part of Sarvesh's life.

The unendurable vice-like torturous pang of guilt, that that developed in Sarvesh's chest and made him feel suffocated and choking, was all washed away as Parul uttered the most precious three words, he had been yearning to hear for almost about an eternity.

Parul mumbled softly, " Sarvesh..I love you. You are my Paradise and I will happily get stranded on you for a lifetime."

Lifting his head he intently looked into her sea green eyes,  flabbergasted. He draped his arms around her, embracing her tightly as if he would never let her go.

Overwhelmed with emotions, tangled in a web, Parul was now in tears. She had always thought that she was dealing with so much pain in her life, all because of her obesity but ...
Sarvesh, he had lived his entire life repenting and lamenting; being hated by his parents and even self- loathing for a crime he never committed, it was a very unfortunate accident that had led to Shivani's death.

Regaining some grip on his emotional state now Sarvesh whispered,
"Parul...please don't cry" and she started to cry even bitterly. He rubbed his left hand on her back and mumbled, " Hey! Parul, please stop these water works before both of us drown."

She giggled out happily, and he sighed in relief.

" I'll call Ritvik uncle, you wait. I need to drop you back home in time," he said tenderly wiping off her tears with his left hand.

Sarvesh walked back to the car with Mr. Ritvik, and formally introduced him to her, " Parul.This is Ritvik uncle and he raised me since I was eleven years old."

"It is nice to meet you Parul. I and his mother Suhani were classmates. It is very unfortunate that we lost her in a road accident. The only thing she wanted me and Ayush, his father to do ...her last wish ...was to take care of her child and I have failed miserably.

Parul.Please never leave his side, I have never seen him so happy before," he pleaded.

"Uncle please let's go. We need to drop her off," Sarvesh gently reminded.


It was around 9.30 when Sarvesh dropped Parul at her home. Prabir was extremely excited to know if things had gone well, between these two youngsters after Sarvesh's apology.

He was disappointed with the look on Parul's face as he opened the door buoyantly. Her hair which had been tied in a messy bun, now looked like a complete mess. Her makeup was ruined and he could easily tell with a simple glance that she had been crying her eyes out.

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