Chapter 54

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"okay! Fine I'll do it", Sarvesh said delighted, not aware of the troubles he would be going through.

"Paru,please hand him Winky's shampoo, her towel, cotton balls and the wash cloth for her head", Prabir smirked.

"And Paru, you will be joining a dance class as your punishment from today", he further added.

"What? No. Bhaiya please no. Everyone will laugh at me", Parul protested.

"It's a punishment, you can't say NO Paru.

Besides, I remember that I used to laugh at you, when you were learning to take your first baby steps as you stumbled and fell again and again. Had you known that I was laughing at you, I guess you wouldn't have learnt to walk, as you would have given up.

Paru you need to embrace yourself ...who you truly are, irrespective of what others think of you.

It's fine if someone laughs at you, partake in the laughter and laugh at your own self. It's fun to be laughing at your own faults you know Paru", Prabir mumbled softly.

"Bhaiya, you no longer consider me as the KID in this family, that spot is already taken by Winky.

Okay! I'll join a dance class but you will have to take me there everyday", Parul chuckled.

"Yes, sweetie of course I'll take you. You are my baby Paru and I don't want you to ever grow up", Prabir said gleefully and embraced Parul dropping a light kiss on her head.

Parul ran upstairs with Sarvesh quietly following at her heels.

Dhruv had his eyes fixed on the three security personnel of Mayank who stood motionless like stone idols, after Mayank had shut the doors at their face. He wanted to be alone for sometime.

Ekansh was sitting on the sofa, calling up his friends and family, feeling extremely ecstatic having been released after being kept as a hostage for five long days.

Bhawani was extremely overwhelmed with emotions, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

Prabir caught a glimpse of Bhawani and quickly paced in her direction asking concerndly, " what is it Bhawu? Why are you crying?"

"She was just comparing her demonish evil elder sister to a glorious and angelic elder brother", Bhargavi chirped in sadly.

"Bhargu, would you mind if I speak to her alone for sometime?" Prabir asked.

"No not at all, I'll be in the kitchen", Bhargavi replied and walked away.

Prabir held Bhawani's hand and made her sit on the stairs beside him.

"Bhaiya, why do you love Di so much?
She is the rudest person I have ever known", Bhawani quizzed frustrated.

"She is the ONLY ONE for me Bhawu. I have a million reasons to love her. There's absolutely nothing that I dislike about her.

She is the kindest soul one may ever find, honestly and I feel blessed to have her in my life.

When Maa decided that you won't be attending school anymore,Bhargu was really pissed off. She was extremely annoyed and angry that Maa slapped you, without even providing you an opportunity to explain yourself.

She was determined to leave the house with you,if required but would not let your education be hampered in anyway.

She has forgiven your father after seventeen long years, and stood by the shivering old man yesterday, when his younger son Raunak was admitted in the hospital after meeting an accident.

The Flame of Love volume II (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें