Chapter 48

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Prabir sat up slowly still holding Bhargavi in his arms and she grumpily spoke, " two minutes more please", and clinged onto him even tighter.

"Please wake up Bhargu, we have an ardous task at hand to complete today", Prabir whispered. 

"Gosh! Am I goat? Why did I have a dream about vast green pastures and cows grazing happily?" She blurted awake, but still feeling dizzy.

Prabir tickled her at her waist and she giggled out aloud. Prabir placed his palm on her mouth to suppress her voice, murmuring, "Baby, it's already 6. You need to be ready by 8.20 atleast. We will leave with Baba for the hospital.

I don't think I would enjoy a triple ride with Dhruv, you and me together on my bike."

Bhargavi's dizziness flew out of the window as she was knocked back into her senses. Her Maa would be gathering the entire neighborhood in an instant, if she found her missing and she jumped out of the bed and ran upstairs. Prabir followed her and saw her jump off to the other terrace. He stood blankly observing  her go in dismay, when she turned around to face him and made a big heart with her arms above her head, displaying 101% of her love for him, with a contagious wide smile before disappearing downstairs.

Prabir stood motionless reflecting what he had just seen. He expected that he would be having a wonderful day ahead as the start had been extremely fascinating.

He freshened up and started carrying on with his routine work of preparing the breakfast and tiffin.

Dhruv was already awake and approached Prabir offering to help. Prabir politely refused him and handed him his cup of tea and  mumbled, " Dhruv please be ready by 8.20 and... I know, they are not your own parents and there is absolutely no need to...but I am requesting you to please address Kavya Aunty and Bhairav Uncle as Maa and Baba, when you meet them today.

I am not asking you to replace your Maa or Baba with anyone else but I am only urging you to do this, so that you can easily become a part of their family."

Dhruv mutely nodded in reply. "How long do you know Bhargavi?" He asked curiously.

"Nearly about two months now", Prabir replied casually as a genuine smile covered his face.

With Parul leaving for School, Prabir informed his father that all three of them would be accompanying him to the hospital. " I get to drive", he further added.

Mr. Banerjee was wondering what made Prabir to be in such an unusually happy mood and knew it had something to do with Bhargavi for sure. She was the only person who could drive him crazy with happiness.

Bhargavi pressed the doorbell of Prabir's house at sharp 8.20 in the morning, without delay of even a minute.

They set out for the hospital at sharp 8.30, as was the usual timing of Mr. Banerjee.

When they reached the hospital, Bhargavi's phone beeped with a message,

Bhargu, I don't want Dhruv eavesdropping while I speak with Keya's parents. Please make sure that you keep him busy.

Okay! she texted back immediately.

Prabir strode quickly upto Keya's parents and greeted them with a genuine smile, then he mumbled, " Aunty, Uncle, the boy you see there next to Bhargu, is my friend Dhruv Rathi.

His father who was his only family, was killed in a road accident.

When he found out that a fifteen years old boy named Mayank Sinha, who was drunk, crashed his car into his father and killed him on the spot, he was furious and located the boy's house.

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