Chapter 49

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Bhargavi knew that everything was going to hell in a handbasket but she needed some time to think through, about the current situation in order to take charge. She somehow managed to make Prabir sit down on a bench and perched beside him mulling over her priorities at present.

She noticed the time on Prabir's wrist watch, it was almost time for Parul's return from school.

She calmly took her phone and called her mother. Ms. Nalini received the phone after three complete rings and said " Hello! Bhargavi when are you coming back?"

" Maa, I won't be coming back now. Has Bhawani returned from school?" She questioned back.

"Yes, just a few minutes ago but what do you mean by you are not coming back now?" Ms. Nalini enquired startled.

"Maa, Keya is no more and even her Maa is in the ICU. She had a cardiac arrest. We can't leave Bhairav uncle alone here, with Dhruv.

Please persuade Paru to have lunch with you when she returns from school and tell her that she can put on any of my clothes she likes and rest in my room, till we return back from the hospital", Bhargavi informed.

"Okay! You don't worry. I'll look after Paru. I don't know what more to say", Ms. Nalini replied disturbed with the news she received. Then she quietly asked, " How is Prabir?"

Bhargavi handed the phone to him whispering, "Maa. She wants to talk to you."

"Hello! Maa", Prabir said in a hoarse voice.

"It is really very disheartening that your friend is no more but we have our hands tied up my child", Ms. Nalini spoke softly.

Prabir felt a heavy lump stuck in his throat and was unable to speak. He had tears running down his eyes turning him blind.

"Hello, Prabir are you there?" Ms. Nalini inquired after sometime when Prabir made no response at all.

"Hmm...I...I am listening", he abruptly spoke in a coarse voice.

Bhargavi took the phone from his hand and spoke, " Maa, I'll call you back later" and disconnected the call.

"Are you okay Prabu? You need some water?" Bhargavi asked concerned.

Prabir silently nodded and then placed his head on her shoulder, " I am okay Bhargu. I don't need water.

You know Keya told me once that it was her dream to run away from her house with her prince charming someday.

But I never knew that it was ME that she had been taking about", Prabir reflected.

"Nothing of this would have happened, had I not rejected her feelings for me. She would be still alive Bhargu", he further added sardonically, enraged at himself.

" Prabir...even Mayank Sinha had some feelings for Bhawani. He wanted her to be his girl and because he was slapped on his face and rejected... he did some nasty things like trying to kidnap and molest her.

You treat him as a villian only because he did not try to kill himself and blame others for his death like Keya?

That pig whom you punched in the face in the I am maligning a fine animal, ah! he too could claim to possess certain feelings for me so what Prabu?

A person may have feelings for anyone, but that doesn't mean that he can superimpose his will on others.

We do not always get what we want in life Prabu.

Rejection is hard to deal with and everyone deals with it in their own ways.

So please don't cut off your nose to spite your face", Bhargavi said tersely.

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