"Did he offer you any drinks?" Riley asks.

"No, I only ever got my own drink" I respond, now getting really nervous.

"Did you ever put your drink down?" she asks her voice laced with tenderness.

"Umm no I didn't- wait yeah I did actually." I say bringing my hand to nervously tuck my hair behind my ear.

"When babe?"

"When I went on my phone to respond to Ian." 

Ian presses a kiss to the top of my head and Riley says "Babe there is no nice way to say this but-"

"Mark drugged me" I respond interrupting her. It sounds emotionless but really my brain has no way to respond.

Riley looks taken aback "You remember?" 

I shake my head no, now finding the formation of words difficult at the assurance of my assumption.

Ian brings an arm to my shoulders and begins rubbing them comfortingly. 

"Aubrey babe" she says bringing my attention back to her as she leans forward and squeezes my hand. "Ian came before any extreme assault could happen, your clothes were still on and by Ian's account he had just touched your shoulders when he came in"

"Ummm ok then" I say but it comes out like a whisper. "Thank you guys for looking after me, sorry I got into that trouble" I say bringing my hand to scratch my head nervously. 

"You should have told me you were going to the party" Ian says still holding me tight.

Riley shoots Ian a death glare before training her attention back to me and saying "What Ian is trying to say is that, no it isn't your fault. It's just that jackass Mark's fault for being an insecure twat who isn't even sure he can get consent because he is so goddamn ugly on the outside and especially the inside." 

It is a weird amount of emotions swirling in my head, on the one hand I'm like ok well nothing happened so I am fine but on the other hand something could have happened and something was intended to happen and I was put in a vulnerable position. I hate being vulnerable. And this makes me sound stupid but I don't want talk about it to anyone and let them know how scared I am, because then I am being vulnerable again. 

"Ok well thank you" I say except I'm sure it's as obvious as it feels that my smile is hollow. "What time is it? I have work at eleven today." 

"Babe do you want to talk about it?" Riley asks rubbing circles on the back of my hand and Ian squeezing me.

"I'm fine don't worry, thank you though." I lie, and squirming to get out of their grip. Riley pulls back and Ian groans and refuses to let me go. 

"Ok well Evelyn has made some breakfast and wanted me to come tell you" Riley smiles, being so tender and careful around me.

"Ok thanks Riley, we will be down soon" Ian says dismissing Riley.

As soon as she is gone Ian turns me around to face him. "Are you ok?" he asks his voice laced with concern.

"Yep" I smile empty again lying.

"Angel, you really shouldn't go to work today. We can just stay home and watch movies?" Ian asks smiling down at me and tucking my hair behind my ear.

As tempting as that sounds I just want to be away from people, primarily people who know what happened because I don't want to be asked if I am ok a thousand times over because one of those times I might break down and I don't want to do that. 

"No I need to go to work, Susan and Jane are both busy today so it will just be me to man the shop."

He brings me into a hug and my face is smooshed against his chest "Ok baby I'll come with you"

"What?" I say it coming out muffled.

He pulls away and looks down at me "I'll come with you and keep you company in the store, and when you take breaks we can go get lunch together"

"But-" I start but am interrupted.

"Not buts I am coming" he smirks and then stands us both up. When I stand up I notice I am wearing a giant black t-shirt and boxers, must be Ians.

"Also angel" he says bringing his hands to caress my cheek so I look up at him waiting. "We contacted the police, and last night we took you to the hospital to get all the evidence we need to put that fucker in jail. I thought to just shoot the asshole but I know you wouldn't want that. So all the police need now is our statements, they were wondering if we could come by sometime today. So maybe after your shift?"

"Ok yeah, thank you Ian" I offer a small smile.

He frowns and then brings me into a bone crushing hug. "It's ok to not be ok angel" he says tenderly.

Not being able to form words I just squeeze him tighter, after a few moments I pull away and he presses a kiss to the top of my head mumbling "I love you"

"I'm really lucky to have you Ian" I say looking up at him and his silver eyes swirling with adoration. 

He leans down and presses a kiss to my lips and says "Believe me, I'm the lucky one"

I bring him into a quick tight hug and before he can respond I pull away. He grabs my hand and then leads me downstairs. 

When we are in the dining room the sight before me actually brings a smile to my face.

"Waffles?!" I can't help but giggle slightly.

"I see you started Storm" Ian says guiding me to a chair with his hand pressed to the small of my back.

As I am taking my seat Riley says "You losers were taking too long".

I laugh and take a waffle to my plate, Ian hands me the melted chocolate, oh he knows me so well. I cover my waffles with the chocolate and then top it with some strawberries, the pretence of health. 

"So what are you two lovebirds doing today?" she smirks taking a bite of her waffle. I notice Ian takes the container of melted chocolate that he handed to me previously and tries to pour it onto his waffle, but nothing comes out. Yeah I took a lot of chocolate. Ian looks at me incredulously then shakes his head in amusement. 

"Aubrey has work" Ian responds for me.

Riley looks to Ian, again it looks like they are communicating with their eyes then Ian says "We were planning to go to the police station after her shift"

"Ok then. Babe if you need anything don't hesitate to call ok?" she says turning her attention to me.

I smile and just as I am about to say something Ian says "She has me"

Riley snaps her gaze to Ian and rests her head on her hand "She has both of us". 

They squint at each other for a while and I just preoccupy myself with eating my waffle until Ian turns his gaze to me and says "You have both of us"

I stifle a laugh and look up at Riley who just winks at me. 


hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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