Coming up from the ground, my ears picked up the sound of a key unlocking the secured down, signaling that Moon would soon be here. Soft footsteps echoed through the hall, only I could hear them for now. Slowly they grew louder and closer until they were right before me. Along with their owner, she had a bag with her, it was full of apples, sweet juicy apples, and for once, those apples weren't the kind I wanted to take a bite of.

~~~Normal P.O.V~~~

Another long day had come and gone, Moon was tired, she was more than ready to retire for the day, however, another quick trip to the store was needed, for some reason, her apples seemed to be running out faster than usual. Normally they would last at least a few weeks but now it seems like the brunette was replacing them once every two to three days. Briefly, she wondered if there was a rodent problem but found no evidence of a problem at all. There were no droppings, pieces of apple, or apple seeds anywhere, it was like they vanished.

"Now this should last me a lot longer...." Muttered Moon to herself. While opening her apartment door, an apple fell out of the bag, seeing it she sighed then put the bag down, and bent over to grab the escape artist. However, when she did something happened.

Ryuk too noticed his favorite fruit rolling away freely, for half a second he ignored it but soon his abnormally long limb was reaching out to stop the bright red botany. Long digits that housed rings touched, not the fruit but fair, fine fingers. It was the slightest brush but that was enough to make this shinigami make up his mind.

Was that a shock or something cold that touched my hand? It was an interesting feeling but nothing was there but the apple... What does that mean? Shaking her head, Moon pushed away those strange thoughts. Clearly, it was nothing, and I am a lot more tired than I originally thought. I better put away my things, take a nice hot bath, then call it an early night. I also have classes in the morning. Standing back up, and walking away, the young woman was unaware as to what manner of creature had taken a liking to her.

It didn't take long for the rest of the night to take its usual course, while his lady to be, was showering, the god of death was content with waiting outside her door. Ryuk wasn't a pervert, he'd never peek in on a lady, even if this one was very tempting without knowing it. Sharp ears picked up the sound of water draining and being turned off. This was his cue to float away, most likely to get an apple, while Moon finished up in the bathroom.

Taking a big bite of a golden, crispy apple, he hummed at how sweet and delicious it was before devouring the rest. Just in time for the apartment's resident to come around the corner. Blinking she rubbed her eyes. Was that just a floating apple? Yep, I'm either going insane, this place is haunted or I am too tired. Giving up on the idea of having a snack before bed, the fair-complexioned woman turned back around and headed to her bedroom. Ryuk chuckled and slipped through the wall. A few hours later he returned, knowing that around this time his lady to be would be awakening. Of course, when the shinigami returned Moon was still laying there asleep, this was the perfect time to do it, a small scrap of paper was touched to smooth flesh.

~~~Moon's P.O.V.~~~

Slowly I sat up, my eyes weren't open yet as I moved to the edge of the bed, my feet hit the cold floor and I hissed. "Hehe...." The sound of chuckling made my eyes shoot open. Turning my head quickly, I looked to where I heard the sound. "Who's-" before I could get the full sentence out of my mouth a strange sight was before me, the moonlight peered through my window and allowed me to see something. At the foot of my bed, laying on the wooden rail, was a lanky figure, all-black attire covered its body, dark feathers seemed to be on the creature's shoulders. Black spike hair came from the thing's head. Staring back at me were two large yellow eyes with red irises, then a voice called out, "yo." That voice wasn't too deep or too high pitched, it was just right, his skin was an ash-like color, it stood out against the darkness of his clothes and the room.

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